The Deeper Understanding of God’s Grace, Fate, Destiny & Karma
The Truth about “Guardian Angels”
grace of almighty god, gods will: 1] divine grace, 2] free will, 3] karmic waves
patton, george washington
Dice with the universe?
Heisenberg, the shape of the bell curve, probability, and group consciousness
the Absolute [the Transcendent] is Pure Consciousness
the dirty fish bowl
guardian angels and the Divine Hierarchy personification of which? divine grace or karmic wave?
Good luck, bad luck, grace and destiny
Mt Soma: freeing the bell curve
riding the waves of karma or “divine intervention”. explaining the difference
yin/yang and equanimity;
anatomy of ‘do nothing accomplish everything’ what that really means,, all is subjected to interpretation
the wonder of infinite correlation
Just go outside any elementary school and feel the vibe. it is around every elementary school i have ever seen. those are guardian angels you are feeling… if you refuse to feel that, i can not help you understand it.
atma, projection, existence
politics and the veda
yin creates yang
what is equanimity? the deeper meaning… go for that!
clean the house and the negativity goes away
the vast majority of humanity is good
just a dash of gossip, negativity, worst wheel on wagon. just the dust that gets stirred while the wagon is rushing by
people are how they are….. can’t just tell a weak muscle to be strong
opportunity knocks but only the wise know when to open the door
all of life is a risk
passion, equanimity and truth
Emanuel Lasker essentially said he spent the last half of his life trying to forget what he learned the first half
chapter 7 Bhagavad Gita
“God does not play dice with the universe” |
“He who is brave is free.”
“Worst wheel on the wagon makes the most noise.” ____ |
“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” |
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ALVIN TOFFLER |
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Loved this podcast! Listening one week later and feeling the explanation of the siddhis as being entirely possible as we move into different realms of consciousness. So greatful for you and Mount Soma which already feels like it is a principle acting on Earth in this moment. A note on the next week’s podcast: Thanks for rolling up your sleeves out there at Mount Soma and attending to what is important in this moment.
Thank you for this podcast and explains how the divine works on multiple levels! It makes me feel the siddhis as being possible as our consciousness grows within harmony with nature. Alluding to next week’s podcast: Thanks for rolling up your sleeves at Mount Soma and tending to the vibration of this place getting ready to be born on Earth.