為什麼是Surya Ram靜坐?

This is a translation of the Why the Surya Ram Meditation? video.

Surya Ram靜坐是源自喜馬拉雅山的古老靜坐方法,由美國靈修大師邁可瑪馬斯博士帶領傳授。這套靜坐沒有任何外到內的訊息灌輸,完全以自然輕鬆的方式來提升自我的靈性生命成長,培育健康光明的人生。

Surya Ram靜坐簡單易學,不費任何力氣,也不需要專注心念或灌輸任何訊息。其主要原理是允許自己自然輕鬆地沉澱到生命存在的源頭,也就是內在的純淨意識層次,讓無形中累積在身心的壓力自然地釋放出來,依此循序漸進轉化內在的身心能量和外在的生活方式。


Surya Ram靜坐的實質效益包括,幫助思緒清晰,提升健康品質和活力,心情更加快樂,也更有創造力。

歡迎上網免費學習Surya Ram靜坐,網址www.mountsoma.org/meditation/learn-surya-ram-meditation/,由邁可瑪馬斯博士親自講解。有任何問題和意見,歡迎在中文部落格留言。

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

About Anger (說說生氣)

This is a translation of the About Anger blog and About Anger video.



© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Q&A: Vedic Chants Volume (經文播放音量)

为什么Mount Soma 靜坐鈴聲小的听不到, 听Soma Veda也很小聲. 谢谢!

Why is it the meditation bell so soft that I can’t hear? Sama Veda is the same way. Thanks!


The bell should just be at a comfortable volume.

However, regarding the Vedic Chants:

If it is too loud, any distortion in the amplification would be imposed upon the physiology. If it is soft, the physiology fills in the gaps because the Veda already exists within you and it only needs to be whispered to, or “touched”, to be woken up.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Three Levels of Motivation (動機的三個層次)

This is a translation of the article, Three Levels of Motivation.


1) 心靈交流的動機


2) 下意識的動機



3) 表面意識的動機



1. 回想最近你和他人所發生的衝突,回憶你對他所說的話。
2. 當時你說那些話的動機是什麼?
3. 你可以找出隱藏在你內心更深層的動機嗎?在這層動機,你想說的話是否和先前所說出的話有所不同?或是你所抱持的初衷和你先前告訴自己以及別人有所不一樣?
4. 再更進一步探索,去辨認隱藏在你內心深處,渴望和他人知心交會的感覺,也就是純淨的心靈交流和與他人的相知相惜。

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Q&A: Ashram Program (問與答:閉關計劃)

Question: What’s the difference between staying (in the ashram) for a month and staying for a half year?


What soaks in over time is so much better absorbed. It is like so many other things in life… the more months you lift weight, the bigger the muscles get. The longer you stay on a diet, the thinner you get… etc. etc. The longer you bask in the ocean of the transcendent, the more fully you integrate its qualities into your life, your physiology, your being.

東西浸泡的時間愈久,吸收效果即愈佳。生活中很多事情也是這樣… 譬如舉重健身,當你練習的時日愈長,肌肉就愈結實;飲食控制的時日愈久,身材就可以維持得更好等。當你處在深層的心靈之海愈久,這層純淨的能量也就更能密切融合在你的身心靈整體生命。

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

存在的三層領域 – 可以改變你的人生的模式

This is a translation of the article, “The Three Realms of Existence – A Model that Can Change Your Life”.

當人們面對矛盾的悖論時,通常不是妥協於某個觀點,就是否認相佐的看法。這是人類的特性。似乎只要認定這個觀點是對的,相反的觀點就一定是錯的。「存在的三層領域」(Three Realms of Existence)提供有關人生矛盾悖論的認知,簡單有力。這套概要能夠改變人們和存在本質以及存在結構的關係。



比身體更深的領域,即是心理能量領域(Psychoenergetic Realm),包括我們的思想,精神和情緒,緊貼著我們靈性生命的表面,也就是我們的個性。這層領域,就是針灸師,身體治療師和道士巫醫們所稱的「能量」。從這個角度來看,所有東西的根本都是能量。因此物體即被視為能量的一種表現。靈界的奇異現象也是屬於這個領域。

再更深處,我們來到物理學家所說的「量子力學層次」(Quantum Mechanical Level)。量子力學層次跨越心理能量領域,稱之為超越覺知的靈性領域(Transcendental Realm)。在靈性生命領域中的量子力學層次,我們和所有東西的本源合而為一,同時仍保持我們獨立的個體。不像心理能量領域的合而為一的感覺只是一種短暫的情緒狀態,這種和宇宙萬物的本源合而為一,是時時刻刻,分分秒秒,且具有生命力的清醒狀態。這個領域是感覺最細微的層次。當人們的身心狀態適當地淨化時,即能夠體驗到這個層次。這是相對存在(relative existence)世界中最細微的層次。體驗靈性生命最深處的感覺,是一種全然的幸福愉悅,和生命本源合而為一,和諧相融。不同宗教對這層超脫的境界有不同的形容,譬如說與神同在,成道見性,涅槃解脫等。

繼續往更深一層,我們進入超越覺知領域中的純淨生命共同體(Unified Field)。在這領域深處,生命共同體是以純淨的意識知覺存在。純淨的意識存在於其衍生任何多元分化或分裂之前。

從這個角度來看,由純淨意識所衍生出的任何分化或分裂,可以說都是虛幻的。在這個層面,唯一真實存在的就是這個完美無缺的「它」,也就是無遠弗屆,永恆合而為一的純淨意識。在這個層面,沒有所謂這個或那個,也沒有你我他之分。這個生命共同體(Unified Field)是萬物合而為一的地方。早期的靈性大師稱達到這個境界者為見性之人,純淨的存在,純淨的意識狀態,純淨的現狀,天人合一。





© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Relationship with… (與…的關係)

Your relationship with something is more important than the thing. Know that if you try to push out a personality quality you do not like, you are really just driving it deeper within you. Sooner or later, it will emerge again or show up in your health as some form of disease.


This idea of ‘relationship with’ is subtle and not really well addressed in a blog. It requires a conversation. In this blog, I will only give you an idea. Perhaps someday, we will meet in person and we can go into it more deeply. For now, please just stay open to what I say here and if something does not sound right to you, think of your resistance as a question, not a judgment of what I am saying.

「跟… 的關係」這個觀念非常細微,所以很難在部落格中詳細說明。它需要透過雙向的對話來解說。在這篇文章中我只能提供一個觀念。也許有一天,我們會見面,我可以做更深入的說明。現在,對我要說的請先保持開放的態度,假如有些地方你聽起來不順耳,請先把這個抗拒的心態當成一個問題來思考,而不是對我所說的立即給予評判。

Some examples:


1) Imagine you feel that you get angry too often. Of course, self-control in the moment is useful, but it is not the solution. You need to look at your relationship with people and things you get angry with. Do you hold onto the idea that the person is wrong and thereby on some level justify your anger? Consider your relationship with the person. Are you trying to understand the person? Are you judging them with no room for understanding?  This will extend to your relationship with everything that makes you angry.

1) 假想你覺得你常常生氣。當下自我掌控情緒當然是有用的,但那不是解決的辦法。你需要檢視你跟那些讓你生氣的人或事的關係。你是否堅持對方是錯的所以在某種程度上你有生氣的理由?想想看你跟這個人的關係是如何。你有嘗試去了解這個人嗎?你是否毫不留情地批評這個人呢?這樣做可以擴展你跟每一個讓你生氣的人事物之間的關係。

Have you ever thought about how different the world would be if nothing ever made you angry? You will never change the world that much. What is your relationship with the world? That is the issue. Your anger is a result of an unhealthy relationship with the world.


Consider your relationship with yourself. What are you expecting of yourself? What is your relationship with your anger? Really, behavioral health is not about never getting angry. Anger is a normal part of life… Yes, even in the state of enlightenment. Then again, how long does it take you to come back into balance? Do you hold onto resentment and judgment for weeks, months, or even years? Holding onto anger is not a healthy relationship with it. Being intolerant of your anger is also not a healthy relationship with it.

考慮你跟你自己的關係。你對自己有什麼樣的期望?你跟憤怒的關係是什麼?實際上,行為的健康與否不是以能不生氣來衡量的。憤怒是正常生活中的一部分… 沒錯,既使是在見性的狀態下都存在。然而話又說回來,生氣以後你要花多少時間來恢復到平衡狀態呢?你會緊抓著怨恨與批判長達幾個禮拜,幾個月,甚至幾年嗎?緊抓怨恨不願釋懷不是與憤怒保持健康的關係。無法接受你的憤怒也不是與憤怒保持健康的關係。

Everything in life is profound… even your relationship with anger. To live better, you must look deeper. Superficial relationships with your life and with the world lead your life astray.

生活裡點點滴滴都有它深奧的地方… 包括你跟憤怒的關係。要活得更好,你必須探討得更深入。把重心放在你生活表面上的關係會導引你往迷失的方向。

2) Imagine you have a bad habit, like overeating, and you need to lose weight. You could try hard to eat less. After doing that for a while, it feels more and more like torture. Your entire focus can be on eating less and you may have some success, but the torture intensifies. Sooner or later you can no longer tolerate it, and you return to old eating habits and gain the weight back. Statistics prove that most people who lose weight, gain it back.

2) 假想你有一個壞習慣,例如飲食過量,同時你需要減輕體重。你可以很努力的減少食量。經過一段時間以後,這樣的方式越來越像是在刑罰自己。你可以把全部的注意力放在少吃一點,你可能會看見一點成效,但那種煎熬感會強化。遲早你會無法忍耐而恢復原來的飲食習慣,減輕的重量又都回來了。根據統計數字顯示,大部分的人減肥以後,體重仍會回升。

Another approach is to explore your relationship with food. Overeating, you see, is not about the food. It is about your relationship with food. Food is not the problem. Your relationship with food is the problem. Just notice what, when, and why you overeat. Also, explore other possible relationships with food. Perhaps you can become fascinated with understanding nutrition. Explore different diet approaches. Instead of focusing on your weight, focus on various relationships with food. Become your own expert. Discover what works for you. You may even eventually view food as a gateway to health and feeling great.


Please understand that the best way to heal something is to develop a healthy relationship with it. In other words, the thing changes best by developing a healthy relationship with the thing. If your relationship with a problem concerning yourself or with another person is unhealthy, you only make the problem worse. Also understand that ‘a healthy relationship with’ something does not necessarily mean you like that thing. It may mean that you stay away from that thing. It may, in some cases, even mean that you attack the thing.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Judgment vs. Discernment Revisited… Who Do You Think You Are? (批判與明辨… 你認為你是誰?)

Perhaps it is the most common question I hear: “How do I know if I am being judgmental or discerning?” Considering that “the spiritual path is the path of discernment” (Adi Shankara), it is perhaps the most important question you can ask. Yet it is also the most difficult for you to answer.

這可能是我最常聽到的一個問題:”我如何知道我是在批判還是在明辨?”若以Adi Shankara(八世紀印度一位見性大師)所說的來考量,”心靈之旅是一個明白分辨的過程”,那麼這個問題可能是你可以問的問題中最重要的一個。然而這也可能是你最困難回答的一個問題。

And who do you think you are? What molds your viewpoint? You can justify anything with the intellect, and you do according to your viewpoint. What molds your viewpoints? Do you place your thumb on the scale of your own inner justice? Or perhaps a better question is, are you willing, or able, to take a step back and see yourself? Consider how you hold the scale of self-evaluation. Judging yourself harshly is putting your thumb on the scale. Any issue you have puts a thumb on the scale. Issues with authority? Self doubt? Self-righteousness? Defiance? Fear? For any and all issues, you place your thumb on one side of the scale.


I suggest you consider placing a counterbalancing thumb on the other. Of course you may think to suggest removing the thumb from the scale. But if you see the thumb is there, it is already removed. Or is it? If you judge yourself harshly, I suggest considering the opposite. If you are self righteous, I suggest the opposite. If you see your own bias, I suggest your reaction to that realization compromises your understanding of it. Those who are instinctively kind to others are often the first to cruelly judge themselves as sometimes being unkind. Those instinctively judgmental of others are often the first to stand up for their self-righteous viewpoint.


Are you judgmental or discerning? It all comes down to the nature/tone of “your relationship with…” Your relationship with what? Your relationship with everything within and without you. With yourself, with society, with authority, with friends, with loved ones and so on. To overcome being judgmental and to become discerning, you must find balance within yourself. To do so, you need to consider your nature and the nature of all things.


Consider strengths and weaknesses. Look at world history, social history, and your history. When the scales tip one way, consider the other. In all situations, be open to seeing the strengths as well as the weaknesses within and without. To anarchists I say, consider the value of society and authority. To puppets I say, think for yourself. To the self critical, I say be kind to yourself. To the self righteous, I say be humble. It starts with your relationship with yourself. Find balance there first. Only then can you have a healthy relationship with what lies outside of you.


Do understand that discernment does not preclude passion. The more fully you find your Self, the more discerning you will be. You will know your wisdom and thereby find your true path in life. And your true path in life is filled with passion. It is the river that carries you to the ocean.


Yet judgment also can be most passionate, so life’s journey must begin within. Find your inner wisdom first. As Lord Krishna said to Arjuna, “Established in Being, perform action”.


Be you in conflict or comradery, always do your best to keep to the high road. There are no absolutes in the relative. Yet everything gravitates back to the Absolute, back to the Divine. That is the nature of existence. The path of discernment is the path of balance. You will fall. That is fine – just get back up. Your job is to do your best to keep your balance as you face the wind and go forward, forward, always forward.


That is called the Path of Discernment.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

In/Out vs. Out/In (內到外與外到內)

The Western approach to knowledge started at the surface of life and slowly went deeper. First, the physical was examined. Newton’s laws of physics describe this physical level. Then later, the deeper electromagnetic level was explored. The exploration also went deeper with the microscope, looking at cells rather than the overall tissues of the body. In time, the exploration went even deeper with the atomic and sub-atomic levels. Then, even deeper to the quantum mechanical level. This is the out/in approach, the surface to the depth. Even the field of psychology is an out/in approach, first starting with the observation of behavior and then attempting to control the behavior in the name of improvement of the person.


In these modern times, the out/in approach has overtaken the world, both East and West. We are fortunate to live in a time when all the different superficial pieces of life’s puzzle are finally coming together, so that we can now see that all things are born out of that one thing, namely the Transcendent. This realization opens the gateway to the rediscovery of the essence of life. It is the source of life, the fountainhead of all wisdom and knowledge, the one thing that brings all things to a unified whole. By awakening to that, all health, knowledge, wealth, and prosperity can be made available to all of humanity. Through that, there will no longer be a need for suffering, wars, poverty, or disease. This knowledge will bring forth the Enlightened Age.


An Eastern approach is the opposite. It goes from in to out. With meditation, the individual taps into the deepest level of their being first, the Transcendental level. By awakening to that perfection that dwells at the depth of their being, the qualities of perfection bubble up through more and more superficial levels, all the way out to the physical and psychological aspects of the person. Similarly, knowledge is gained by starting with the source of all knowledge. Just as all knowledge of the tree is contained in the seed, all knowledge of the surface of life is contained at the depth of every individual’s being. It is called the Atman level, where you are one with the source of all that is.



© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Meditation Question

I was asked the following:



If I meditate twice a day to maintain (my energy,) where would I end up eventually? Is there anything else to do?

To which I respond:


Everything is born out of Oneness (Pure Consciousness, The Unified Field, God, the Transcendent) and everything returns to it. I discuss that process in detail many places (the manifestation of the universe, Darwinism/Creationism, etc.). Meditating twice a day accelerates the process of returning to Oneness. When you awaken to that Oneness, it is called Enlightenment.


Enlightenment is not a mood, attitude or philosophy. It is a state of being. When you awaken to that, you awaken to all the harmony, intelligence, wisdom, bliss, perfection, and peace that dwells eternally at the depth of your being and is your essence… who it is you truly are. You then spontaneously live in harmony with Nature… Mother Nature… your own true nature. It is a state of fulfillment… wakefulness to the root of all life and existence.

見性不是一種心情,心態或哲理。它是一種身心靈合一的生理狀態。當你覺醒到那個層次,你看見所有蘊藏在你心靈深處的和諧,智力,智慧,喜樂,完美,平安… 你看見那個真正的你。接下來你便和諧地活在自然界的韻律中… 大自然的韻律…也是你真正的天性。那是一種充滿的狀態… 覺醒到所有生命以及萬物的根源。

Meditation waters that root within you. It nourishes all levels of life including your energy. However, the root is not energy… it is consciousness. It lies deeper than mere energy. As the ancient seers have said, pure consciousness is the source of all that is. Every time you meditate you re-member with that source. It is what you long for… to return to your essence… the truth of the divinity of your own being. By meditating regularly, reuniting with that becomes a habit. As you awaken more and more to it, you live from it more a more, until you fully awaken to it and then it never leaves you. It is quite possible that you attain enlightenment this lifetime through regular meditation. But I can not guarantee that everyone will do so in this lifetime. What I can guarantee is that through regular meditation life becomes better, just as surely as by watering the root of a plant, the plant is nourished. Also, through regular meditation your life will gain a great momentum toward enlightenment that will carry you through and between incarnations until you gain full enlightenment…

靜坐等於給你心靈的根澆水。它滋養你生命的所有層次,其中包括你的能量。但是,那個根不是能量…而是意識。它在比能量更深的地方。如同遠古時代的大智慧者說過,純意識是一切的源頭。每一次靜坐的時候你再次和這源頭融為一體。這是你渴望的… 回歸到你的本質… 你內在神性的實相。透過規律的靜坐,融入你的神性成為一個習慣。對這樣的實相你越來越醒悟,你由內到外活出這樣的境界也會越來越紮實,直到你全然的覺悟,那時候它便永遠不會離開你。透過規律的靜坐,你在今生見性是很有可能的,但我無法保證每一個人都可以今生見性。然而,我可以保證的是,透過規律的靜坐,你的生活會改善,這樣的肯定就像給植物根部澆水植物就受到滋養一樣的肯定。除此之外,透過規律的靜坐,你的人生可以凝聚一股衝勁朝向見性的方向,這樣的衝勁會在你投胎轉世中或來世裡承載著你,直到你完全見性。

The best you can do is to meditate regularly, read the blogs that I post, do not get distracted, do your best to stay very true to what you learn from the blogs, and if at all possible come and visit me at Mount Soma. The knowledge I offer is very profound and powerful, but it is also delicate. Take care… do not allow it to slip through your fingers.

你可以盡你最大的努力做規律性的靜坐,讀我的部落格,不要三心二意,盡你最大的努力把你在部落格中學習和領會到的運用在日常生活裡。同時,若有絲毫的可能性的話,到索瑪山來見我。我贈送給你的知識是深奧且強而有力,但也是精緻細微的。好好珍惜… 別讓它從你的指間溜走了。

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.