Shirataki Noodles

If you like pasta but do not like the calories, you may want to check out shirataki noodles.  You can get them at Whole Foods, Earth Fare, and maybe even your regular grocery store.


Shirataki noodles are almost all fiber (something people generally do not eat enough of) and have almost no calorie impact.  You can use them with  an Italian tomato sauce or an unlimited number of other ways.


A great satiating fill up food when you prefer not to add additional calories to your diet.


I do not have any knowledge about how healthfully these noodles are processed, though I did learn about them through a health advocate. If anyone has any additional information, please post it here.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Salt Compress

For sore muscles, cramps, arthritis, etc. you may consider a salt compress.


I heat regular salt in a bowl in the microwave for about 6 minutes.  Then put it in a cotton pillowcase or sock and apply it to the area like a heating pad.


Note that the bowl gets very hot so you will need to be careful and use potholders to handle it.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Your Self-Correcting Mechanism

The development of psychodynamic health has to do with the alleviation of stress.  Inherent in that statement is a rather intriguing understanding:


The state of the physiology itself is intrinsic to the state of psychodynamic health.


This understanding is fundamental to an effective, wise, and intelligent approach to psychological health.   The basis of your psychodynamic health, inner wisdom, and intelligence is already there.


We know that if we cut our finger all we have to do is put a bandage on it and keep it clean.  The inner intelligence, an inner self-correcting mechanism, will cause it to grow back together.  The finger knows how to grow back together.  We just have to create a situation that accommodates that process.


We need to recognize that the self-correcting mechanism, which heals our finger, is the same mechanism that comes into play in our psychological health.  Our attitude about our mental health is that we need to impose health upon it from the outside.  We say, Think this way.  Hold on to these commandments.  Get rid of that aspect of your being. Align with this behavioral modality.


Everyone knows that a rose bud cannot be turned into a blossom by peeling back the petals.  Doing that would only make a mess out of the bud.  The ability of the bud to unfold into an exquisite blossom is inherent in the nature of the plant.


Our psychological health is the same.  I call that inner intelligence the self-correcting mechanism.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The Fly Wheel Effect

butterfliesThe Fly Wheel effect exists transgradiently – on all levels of life. It refers to momentum, habit, and conditioning. The world-view into which you are born often stays with you for the rest of your life. The result of the Fly Wheel effect is like wearing a set of blinders, it narrows and limits your vision.

Personally, I needed a better reason than I happen to be born into a Christian home to dedicate my life to Christianity. People born in Muslim cultures are Muslim, in Hindu cultures are Hindus, in Buddhist cultures are Buddhists, and so on. This is the Fly Wheel effect at work. I needed a better reason.

In the short term the Fly Wheel effect is quite lively as well. For example, it is recommended that you change your fitness routine about every month. Due to the Fly Wheel effect, that is very difficult to do. In many ways, the most difficult routine you will ever do is the first day of a new routine.

As new understandings are revealed, a natural resistance rises up to oppose them. This too is the Fly Wheel effect. I recently heard a nice quote, “Whatever is innovative will be met with resistance.

You would do well to look to your own life and identify the Fly Wheel effects that permeate it. Long, short, and intermediate term.


What you long for lies beyond the Fly Wheel, yet it is veiled by the Fly Wheel.


video clip

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Life is all about people

Life is all about people.  To organize my day, I make a list of the people I need to speak with.
When I think of a particular field of study, I think of the person or people I look to in that field.  When I think about fitness, one person I look to Mike Geary.
He offers a simple common sense approach that works. There are a good number of physical trainers that share his approach.  He is not unique.  However, I find his presentation accessible.  The following is worth knowing.  It is from Mike’s latest newsletter.
“A recent study revealed that people who drank diet-sodas actually increased bodyfat when compared to those who drank sugar-sodas.”
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Interval Training

weightA number of people have let us know how much they like the fitness videos I have recently done.  Thanks so much for the feedback.  Here is an excellent website explaining interval training.

Personally, I have never liked doing cardio at all.  However, many experts claim interval training, which is similar, is far superior to regular cardio.  It is remarkable to me that I actually enjoy interval training. Finding what works for you is key to all aspects of life. Doing so wisely, free from bias or preconceived notions, is the path of discernment.

Know that a life that works for you is out there.  It is up to you to find it.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Taking Care of the Physical Body

I am doing a series of talks on taking care of the physical body. Topics include diet and exercise and relationship with your body. They are posted on the main Gallery page of the site.

I will be adding to them, so if you like them, keep checking in for new posts.

I’d love to hear any comments on this series or suggestions you may have for another topic.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Vitamin D


Michael Holick, M.D. recently came out with the book “The vitamin D solution”.

He claims that vitamin D deficiency is responsible for many chronic health problems and that 200 million Americans are vitamin D deficient. I have not read his book.  However, I do agree with the essential point.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.