7 Ways to Manage Adversarial Situations Wisely

7 Ways to Manage Adversarial Situations Wisely, by Michael MamasEntrepreneur.com just published one of my new articles.

It begins:

“Unless you’re some sort of unbelievable saint, if you’re in business, you will encounter adversarial situations and perhaps even adversaries. If you don’t manage these adversarial situations well, it will likely cause you many needless headaches as well as undermine your business or job”…

Read more:
“7 Ways to Manage Adversarial Situations Wisely”

If you would like to share the article on social media, please use these links:

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Understanding People

Understanding People, by Michael MamasIt is not easy to understand another person. But if we observe their behavior, how they hold themselves, their demeanor, we can gain insight into what makes them tick.

The ability to take a step back and try to understand others is an important skill to develop in life.

Of course, remaining humble with our insights is an important part of the learning process.

The deeper you look, the better you see.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


A father must understand that for the wife, the child/children come first.
As I have said, it is the role of the mother to hold the child and the role
of the father to hold the mother. It is not always so easy for the father.
But it is the way things are.

In this regard, men are babies, but have to stand up to the plate and be
men. For the wife as well as the husband, understanding life, ourselves,
and others is the key. Not judgement but understanding.

If you understand the movement of trees in the wind, cows with calves and
bulls in the pasture, and water flowing down a mountain stream, you
understand everything.

Fathers - Michael Mamas Blog

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Family Karma

It is commonly known that issues, traits and beliefs are passed on from parent to child through the generations. This is of course true for the simple reason that we are taught those attitudes while growing up.

What may not be so commonly known is that a great deal, perhaps the majority of such issues and traits, are the result of the tone, feeling, or energy of the mother while pregnant and while holding the child in the early preverbal stages. This induces a tonal quality into the child’s psyche and cells of the child’s body. In that way, the child grows into adult relationships and beliefs that mimic those of the mother, or primary care giver.

Then in adult life, the individual recreates those relationships with spouse and friends. For that reason, the life one creates for themselves offers a powerful gateway to understanding what was going on in the mother’s life and psyche in those very early years. Also, understanding what was going on in those early years sheds light on how and why we created the lives we did. One reason why children of the same mother may be very different emotionally and psychologically can be because the life and psychological state of the mother was different when each of her children was born.

As we evolve and work through our issues, these conditionings and biases are overcome, or at least our relationship with them becomes healthier as we see them as if more and more from a distance as opposed to being consumed by them.

Family Karma - Michael Mamas

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How to Steer Workplace Tangents Back on Track

Image credit: Shutterstock

Entrepreneur.com recently published another one of my articles:

“How to Steer Workplace Tangents Back on Track”.

If you would like to share the article, please use the links below rather than sharing from the article itself.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

5 Ways to Communicate as Efficiently as a Computer

5 Ways to Communicate as Efficiently as a Computer, by Michael Mamas

Image credit: Westend61 | Getty Images

Entrepreneur.com just published another one of my articles:
5 Ways to Communicate as Efficiently as a Computer“.

If you would like to share the article, it is best to use the links below rather than sharing from the article itself. Enjoy!

Also, my last Entrepreneur.com article (“5 Principles to Weather the Stormy Seas of Your Own Business”) was published on FoxNews.com.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Can You Really Find Your True Soulmate?

Can You Really Find Your True Soulmate?, by Michael MamasHuffingtonPost.com just published another one of my articles, "Can You Really Find Your True Soulmate?". Comments on the article are welcome, at the bottom of the article page.

If you would like to share the article, please share from the posts below (instead of sharing from the article itself):


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How to Deal With Negative Emotions Responsibly

Huffington PostHuffingtonPost.com just published a second of my latest articles, "How to Deal With Negative Emotions Responsibly". Comments on the article are welcome, at the bottom of the article page.

If you would like to share the article, please share from the posts below (instead of sharing from the article itself):

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


Cats, by Michael MamasWe get a fair number of stray cats around our house. Some of them are incredibly peaceful and affectionate. So it’s very easy to be kind with them and try to find out if they have a home nearby. In some cases, when they end up living under our porch for a number of months and it is clear they don’t have a place to live, Judi often finds them a good home.

There’s a whole spectrum of behavior among these cats, ranging from very tame and affectionate to completely wild and unapproachable. If you do happen to accidentally corner one of the wilder ones, they are all claws and fangs.

It saddens me to see how these cats seal their own fate based upon their behavior. You wish you could just let the wild ones know to calm down—everything’s fine. They are creating their own problems. Of course, you can’t do that.

Humans are strikingly the same way. We create our own heaven or hell, determined by our relationship with the world.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.