blurb: A Vision of Humanities Potential


A Vision of Humanities Potential

small worlds preclude huge leaps forward for humanity

cognition not hodgepodge or free for all

objective and subjective unified

heart connections and objective realities

right and left brain

like music.. infinite freedom with dynamic structure

rational spirituality  CRS

meaningless sound and deep meaning

nearly silent listening to … inner knowing fills in the gaps

cosmic ’satellite’ dish

precision all the way to depth of existence

the power of granite

secrets and the veda

obstacles :  positive stirs negative reactions

i chose this life… 

we wear such obstacles as feathers in our caps

tantra means engineering.. right vs left handed

jettisoning left handed tantra

“People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.”
“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”

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