Using Time Wisely. Feeling the Rhythm of Time. Knowing When the Time is Now
Life in timely phase with Mother Nature
When thinking and feeling both say ‘yes’
kala/kali … male and female aspects
kali what modern physics think of as ‘dark matter’
hiranygarbha, linga
Things come in “Gods Time”, not mans time.
kala, time, is first god to manifest into relativity… makes sense
kala is an aspect, name, of Shiva
as you live with Vedic understanding, you can feel the rhythm/cycles of time more and more. this is kali yuga.. brief period is sat yuga is about to erupt. usher it in as seamlessly as possible. no armageddon necessary. no erasing and starting over that is to say
Hurry but don’t rush
Time is the only commodity that exists in limitation.
we must use time wisely… in phase with mother nature ./// time to act is NOW… to build enlightened city!
time is transformational: ability to transform: be it yuga to yuga or getting up off couch to do what is rightfully next.
Shiva: Kala = time = transition = birth + death cycle
Please go to youtube. type in ‘michael mamas’ to learn surya ram meditation for free.
“The best climber in the world is the one who’s having the most fun.” Alex Lowe |
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” |
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” NAPOLEON HILL |
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i am thinking to discuss space and the Hiranyagarbha next week. We will see.