mai pen rei… it doesn’t matter…it’s not about the story
it’s just one lifetime
we often feel something is but it’s not all about u
it’s not about the story. it’s the mechanic of nature
feeling into the group consciousness… being in proximity of Asheville’s tragedy makes it so palpable
humanity is so far outside of truth, that when truth is heard, it is called crazy
mai pen rei… it doesn’t matter
world in flux… how the chips will land
Shiva functions through people
Course Correction
Mount Soma… Our Purpose… The Science of Global Prosperity and Peace
So many people are not stupid but rather just Not Paying Attention
the closer the goal the more the resistance.
the golden age is emerging
No Storms where there are People
Does the arrogance of ‘gossip’ rule the world?
kali yuga when arrogance reigns
humility is the flip side of wisdom.
success comes from persistence
“The safety of the people shall be the Highest Law.” |
responsibility is the pathway of adventure… the heavier the responsibility, the greater the adventure
j.b. Peterson
“We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” |
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I have gravitated to sound for most of my life and the feelings it evokes. I would have liked to have been there for that Kali puja and the chant you were describing. Now I have something to put on my agenda for next year!