You say:
1. Most of your karma is between your ears and in your heart.
2. One’s chart is one’s karma.
I would like to hear how to reconcile the two. How does one get beyond each, both?
Your chart is a ‘map’ of that which is mostly between your ears and in your heart. You get beyond it by doing the things I offer: Surya Ram Meditation, transgradient personal process, cultivation of discernment, and living in an environment that supports these processes, which is why I created Mount Soma.
答:你的命盤是你雙耳之間和心的「地圖」。你可以扭轉你一生的運勢,只要做我所提供的建議,包括我所傳授的Surya Ram靜坐,自然漸進式的心靈探討,培養慎思明辨的能力,住在可以提供這些條件的環境。這是我建造索瑪山的目的。
I recently asked if I was being tested or if it was just karma. You responded that is was karma. The situation I was asking about seemed to be external- out of my control. I was wondering about the karma that isn’t in my heart and head. However, I will say because of your teachings I got through it quickly and more gracefully than I could have. Your teachings and meditation have been a saving grace.
Certainly karma is external as well as internal. However, generally your relationship with whatever comes your way determines how it effects you more than the event itself.
With your teachings effectively applied, is our karma then resolved on a deeper level, and perhaps less noticeable to our superficial awareness?
Much is resolved on deeper levels. However, even on more superficial levels you deal with karma more effectively. It is not so much about the thing as it is your relationship with the thing.
Dear Dr. Mamas, I understand the concept of “it’s more your relationship with the thing than the thing itself.” But I can’t tell whether I am cultivating a healthy relationship or intellectually reasoning my response to the event? How to tell the difference?
問:Dr. Mamas您好,我了解「和事物的關係比事件本身影響還大」這個觀念,但我不知道的是,我是在建立健康的關係,還是用思想合理化我對事件的反應?請問如何辨別這兩者之間的差異?
Your question is quite understandable and one I am often asked. The answer is to cultivate discernment. It is a bit of a paradox isn’t it: To tell what you are doing, you need discernment. To cultivate discernment you need to know what you are doing. Through meditation and the tools I offer, discernment is cultivated over time. But remember that discernment is not just an intellectual thing. It also involves your finer feelings. Thoughts alone matter little. How you feel about those thoughts make all the difference. Discernment is the integration of refined feelings with coherent thinking. A healthy relationship requires discernment. Reason and wisdom are part intellect and part refined feeling. All you can do in the moment is to do your best.
What karmas are deep down there in the root? How do we tighten up when we want control? How does the strength of discernment lead toward a steadfast and deep value that’s solid to the core of our being? What is the progression of teachings and inquiry used at mount soma to learn this?
I appreciate your comments. Yet they seem to be asking for all my teachings in a blog comment. That is not possible. Almost every sentence you write here requires not only a comment but an entire lecture or more to respond to properly. Your longing for deeper knowledge is very inspiring to me. At the same time, the request for that to be given in a blog comment is in a way disheartening because it is not realistic, not possible. As you go deeper into the knowledge, it becomes more subtle and therefore more elusive. At some point, it requires a face to face interaction. So many people are in the situation where they have a certain level of understanding and are unable or unwilling to go deeper. It takes time, dedication, humility, and patience to go deeper. For some, even their egos prevent them from doing so. They are so vested in their level of understanding that they refuse to look beyond it. I do not see you as being in that category. However, the time has arrived for you to come to classes if you wish to really move past your current level of progress. I am being very sincere here and hope it is received with an open heart. I do understand that some would take offense to such direct talk for one reason or another. I trust you receive it in the same spirit it is given.