Thoughts During Meditation (靜坐時出現的念頭)

Thoughts During MeditationQuestion: You said earlier that when you are meditating and you have thoughts, just kind of let it go?


Response: You don’t try to push the thoughts out. It’s fine that the thoughts are there. Only when it is effortless to go back onto the mantra, then you go back.


Question: During this retreat, when I am awake, I tend to have thoughts about what I’m thinking about when I’m not meditating, which has a lot to do with work, and things I’m working on, and I was told that this was purification. So, if it is, why is it when it comes out during meditation, it’s purification, but it’s not purification when I’m just thinking about it while I’m not meditating?


Response: It’s a very good question. The reason for that is meditation is like a different state of physiology. What happens is the awareness, the whole consciousness, and with that, the physiology goes to subtler levels. So, when you go to subtler levels, stress gets released and bubbles out. But, it bubbles out along the same pathway that thoughts come out. You see, there is a pathway, a pathway of awareness. Thoughts start deep in consciousness. In fact, you could say, they start at the very source of thought. Maharishi, early in his introductory lectures, talked about the Transcendent as the source of thought. You can compare it to the bottom of the ocean. You know how a bubble will come up? Tiny. Then, when it comes up, higher, higher to the surface of the pond or ocean or whatever, the bubble gets bigger and then it bursts at the top. Thoughts are like that. The Transcendent is much more accessible than you might think. It’ much more present than what people think. So, the source of thought it there. But, when there are distortions in the physiology, then the bubble, the thought as it comes up and comes out, does so in distorted and twisted ways and gets convoluted.


In meditation, the physiology goes to a deeper level. The whole thing goes to a deeper level. So, those thoughts are experienced along the same pathway from the depth to the surface. But the distortions are being released and so those thoughts are stress-releases that are unraveling at levels that are a function of the depth of rest that you are getting. There is a deeper level of rest, so the unraveling is coming from a deeper place inside. You are not picking the thoughts up here, you are starting to receive them, so to speak, into your conscious mind at a deeper level. But, they are still thoughts. They don’t feel any different. They feel like, “I’m just sitting here thinking.” Believe me, I can relate to that. How many people, everybody, have had meditations where it feels like all I am doing is sitting here thinking? It feels like nothing is happening.


That’s why they call it the razor’s edge. The path to enlightenment is like the razor’s edge. And, people are addicted to the sensation of what’s happening: I want to feel like something is happening! So then, they come up with these techniques, not based on purification of the physiology, but they come up with techniques so that it feels like something is happening. There are all kinds of techniques like that. Listen to this gong: Gonnnggggg, Gonnnggggg, Gonnnggggg… It’s like, wow, something is really happening! Gonnnggggg, Gonnnggggg… Woa. Gonnnggggg, Gonnnggggg… Yes, something is really happening, but what does that have to do with release of stress and purification of the physiology so that thoughts are picked up at deeper and deeper, and more and more profound levels, to the point that thoughts are in harmony with the source of all existence?

有人形容見性之路就像是在一把刀的鋒面上一樣。一般人沉迷於那種身理有反應的感覺,於是想出一些靜坐技巧來達到這個目的。例如,靜坐時聽鐘聲, 的確,那樣是會讓人覺得有變化的感覺,但那樣的感覺和實際上身心整體壓力的釋放與淨化進而達到接獲越來越深處浮現的思想,最終達到 天人合一 又有什麼關係呢?

It’s a really beautiful question, and a very important thing to understand. Because if you don’t understand that, then you are going to sit there and say to yourself, “All I’m doing is sitting here thinking. I’m not meditating, this is pure torture.”


Tonie: Yeah, that’s what I thought!


That’s why they call it the razor’s edge. Highly elusive. Enlightenment is as elusive as moving through the eye of the needle, which is why in Mesopotamia, the doorways are shaped like the eye of a needle. Or, as elusive as traversing the razor’s edge. Because somebody sits there and they meditate, “Ugh, it’s not working, I can’t do it. Nothing is happening. I’m just sitting there thinking.” And, they quit. They just fell off the razor’s edge. That’s why knowledge is so important, some understanding of the mechanic of evolution. For people who want it, they have done physiological studies of people who do this kind of meditation. They find that the rest, oxygen consumption, skin resistance, all sorts of things, the physiology is receiving a level of rest that is far beyond the level of rest that people attain during deep sleep. It is so ridiculous that is all there is to it. All you need to do to get enlightened is to afford the physiology sufficient rest. Then, all the stresses and strains just go away.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Living from the Depth of Your Being (看深一點 - 節錄於活在你生命深處)

From the SlideShare slideshow:
“Look Deeper – Quotes on Living from the Depth of Your Being“.

Quotes on Living from the Depth of Your BeingDeep inside, everything is fine.

If you are not careful,
You can easily be swept away by your
Emotional impulses or superficial rationales.
You must look deeper to live better.

Look beyond the surface. On the surface lies
The conditioning and programming of lifetimes.
At the depth, you see truth.

The stability you long for
Is not on the surface of life.
It is in the depth of your being.

This world is nothing.
It’s what lies deeper that matters.
You have to find that within yourself.
That’s it.

It is fine to enjoy that support
Of loved ones and material possessions,
But not to look to those things
At the expense of your soul.

To live better, you must look deeper.

Get the depth right and the surface will take care of itself.

The depth of your being sees beyond the horizon,
Yet flows with what is.

Commit yourself to looking deeper.
That is the path of wisdom,
the path of discernment,
the path to enlightenment.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Q & A: Feeling Your Way (用感覺來引導)

Feeling Your WayQ: Thoughts matter little. It’s how you feel about the thoughts makes all the difference. I don’t quite understand this. Is it about the motivation behind the thoughts? How do I feel it? Thank you!

問: 你的想法並不重要,真正的關鍵在於你對這些想法的感覺。 這句話不是很明白, 是想法背後的動機嗎, 我該如何去感覺? 謝謝!

A: You can think anything. You can think bad thoughts. You can think wrong thoughts. You can use thoughts to justify anything. But how you feel about those thoughts determines what thoughts you choose to accept or reject. You feel your way through life. Do not try to think your way.

答: 你可以有任何的想法,你可以有不好的想法,你也可以有錯誤的想法。你可以用你的想法來為任何事情做辯解。然而,是你對這些想法的感覺會決定你接受或排斥哪個想法。人生的路需要靠你的感覺來引導,而不是全靠腦力思考來決定。

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Q&A: Overcoming Your Karma (克服你的業障)

You say:
1. Most of your karma is between your ears and in your heart.
2. One’s chart is one’s karma.
I would like to hear how to reconcile the two. How does one get beyond each, both?


Your chart is a ‘map’ of that which is mostly between your ears and in your heart. You get beyond it by doing the things I offer: Surya Ram Meditation, transgradient personal process, cultivation of discernment, and living in an environment that supports these processes, which is why I created Mount Soma.

答:你的命盤是你雙耳之間和心的「地圖」。你可以扭轉你一生的運勢,只要做我所提供的建議,包括我所傳授的Surya Ram靜坐,自然漸進式的心靈探討,培養慎思明辨的能力,住在可以提供這些條件的環境。這是我建造索瑪山的目的。

I recently asked if I was being tested or if it was just karma. You responded that is was karma. The situation I was asking about seemed to be external- out of my control. I was wondering about the karma that isn’t in my heart and head. However, I will say because of your teachings I got through it quickly and more gracefully than I could have. Your teachings and meditation have been a saving grace.


Certainly karma is external as well as internal. However, generally your relationship with whatever comes your way determines how it effects you more than the event itself.


With your teachings effectively applied, is our karma then resolved on a deeper level, and perhaps less noticeable to our superficial awareness?


Much is resolved on deeper levels. However, even on more superficial levels you deal with karma more effectively. It is not so much about the thing as it is your relationship with the thing.


Dear Dr. Mamas, I understand the concept of “it’s more your relationship with the thing than the thing itself.” But I can’t tell whether I am cultivating a healthy relationship or intellectually reasoning my response to the event? How to tell the difference?

問:Dr. Mamas您好,我了解「和事物的關係比事件本身影響還大」這個觀念,但我不知道的是,我是在建立健康的關係,還是用思想合理化我對事件的反應?請問如何辨別這兩者之間的差異?

Your question is quite understandable and one I am often asked. The answer is to cultivate discernment. It is a bit of a paradox isn’t it: To tell what you are doing, you need discernment. To cultivate discernment you need to know what you are doing. Through meditation and the tools I offer, discernment is cultivated over time. But remember that discernment is not just an intellectual thing. It also involves your finer feelings. Thoughts alone matter little. How you feel about those thoughts make all the difference. Discernment is the integration of refined feelings with coherent thinking. A healthy relationship requires discernment. Reason and wisdom are part intellect and part refined feeling. All you can do in the moment is to do your best.


What karmas are deep down there in the root? How do we tighten up when we want control? How does the strength of discernment lead toward a steadfast and deep value that’s solid to the core of our being? What is the progression of teachings and inquiry used at mount soma to learn this?


I appreciate your comments. Yet they seem to be asking for all my teachings in a blog comment. That is not possible. Almost every sentence you write here requires not only a comment but an entire lecture or more to respond to properly. Your longing for deeper knowledge is very inspiring to me. At the same time, the request for that to be given in a blog comment is in a way disheartening because it is not realistic, not possible. As you go deeper into the knowledge, it becomes more subtle and therefore more elusive. At some point, it requires a face to face interaction. So many people are in the situation where they have a certain level of understanding and are unable or unwilling to go deeper. It takes time, dedication, humility, and patience to go deeper. For some, even their egos prevent them from doing so. They are so vested in their level of understanding that they refuse to look beyond it. I do not see you as being in that category. However, the time has arrived for you to come to classes if you wish to really move past your current level of progress. I am being very sincere here and hope it is received with an open heart. I do understand that some would take offense to such direct talk for one reason or another. I trust you receive it in the same spirit it is given.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Q&A: Burning Incense and Prayer – Continued (燒香拜佛–接續)

Dear Teacher,

Could you explain why it is fine to burn incense and pray to deities? Is it allowed to place a statue of Guan-Yin next to the Shiva on a table? Why and why not? Thank you.



Pay no attention to the scent of incense while you are meditating. If the scent is distracting, then do not burn incense while you meditate. Other times of day, incense clears the air and is very nice. There have even been scientific studies that show the positive influence of a little incense burned in a room. Do not burn so much that the lungs are assaulted, but that is just common sense.



Prayer can be superficial (for example an emotional indulgence) or deep. The deepest form of prayer is proper meditation. I am thinking to write a book called, ‘The Manifestation Sutras’ that could include an entire chapter on how to do more effective prayer. Superficial prayer is not a bad thing. It may just not be all that effective.

拜佛或是祈禱可能是來自表面層次(譬如帶有情緒思想的祈求),也可能是來自生命深層的本質。最深層次的拜佛祈禱是適當合宜的靜坐。我正在考慮寫一本書叫做顯像經(The Manifestation Sutra),其中可以包括一整篇章來講述如何做更有效的拜佛或祈禱。表面層次的拜佛不是不好,只是可能沒有太大的效果。

Guan-Yin is a culturized expression of Lakshmi. If you relate to your culture in that way, it is fine. However, the Vedic form is more powerful in that the form is more consistent with the transcendental value. However, the cultural aspect of life is precious and important also and has its power on a cultural level that is certainly to be honored. So if you like Guan-Yin, having a statue of Her is fine…. In fact, we have two in our home, though we do not keep them on the alter.

觀音是亞洲文化中的一位菩薩,其實就是吠陀經中的Lakshmi女神。假如你覺得比較接近亞洲文化背景,對觀音比較有感覺,其實是好的。不過,吠陀形式的Lakshmi能量更強,因為它和自身的本性價值更加協調一致。話說回來,每一個文化對待生命的方式都是很珍貴且重要,從文化層面來看是有其力量的,且值得尊崇的。因此,假若你喜歡觀音,放個觀音像是沒有關係的…. 事實上,我家有兩座觀音,但我們沒有放在神桌上。

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


This is a translation of the blog, Proper Meditation.



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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Q&A:Burning Incense & Prayer (燒香拜佛)

Dear Teacher,
I have a shrine in my house. I used to burn incenses and pray to the deities everyday. I learned meditation from my teacher, and she suggested that we don’t do such things. Why can’t I? I invited deities to our house when I set up my shrine. If burning incense and praying to the deities are not good, what should I do?


It is fine to have an altar and pray. It is fine to burn incense as well.


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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Q&A: Spiritual Teacher (靈性指導老師)

Dear Teacher,

I have been searching for a spiritual teacher for many years. When I met someone, I thought I had found the one I have been looking for in this life. Now I felt that this teacher, who I deeply loved and trusted, intentionally or unintentionally lied to me for many years. I am deeply disappointed at everything. I can’t accept and forgive all of this. It has been bothering me for quite a while. It’s difficult for me to believe anything now. What is wrong with me? Thank you!


It is not something that is wrong with you. It is very disappointing that some people who are actually still students, present themselves as teachers. But do not worry. Learning comes in many forms. You learned something very valuable. So never stop. Move forward, forward, always forward. Water may, for a while, get sidetracked as it flows from the mountain top on its journey back to the ocean, but return it will. You will return home and now, with greater discernment, the path will be more clear, more direct, more rapid.


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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


This is a translation of the blog, Incarnation.



與其問為何人要離開人世,最好先想想古印度梵文經書Bhagavad Gita中克里斯那神(Lord Krishna)所說的,「人生所有的事情是超乎我們可以預測或理解的。」這甚至不是簡簡單單就可以因果二字來詮釋一切。有些時候,一個人可能會被「召喚」到其他的世界或時空,讓他有機會加速他的靈性生命成長和進化,但我們不做這樣的猜測,或甚至假裝知道答案。面對人生因果所有的可能性,我們只能保持謙卑恭敬之心。







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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

為何取名為Surya Ram靜坐?

This is a translation of the blog, What’s the Meaning of Surya Ram?.


Ram 是人的名字嗎? 如果是人名,是否有什麼意義??為什麼用Surya Ram 做為這個靜坐名字? 謝謝您!





要了解Ram和Surya 的差異,最好是研究兩者的自然本質。每一個存在(包括人和物)都有其相對應的人格化性質,這也是為何人們自然而然會給他們的船,汽車,高爾夫球棍,長槍等等取名字。當你和任何事物的關係逐漸深入時,往往會帶上人格化的性質。因此,Ram和Surya也有獨自的人格化性質,依此劃分出兩者細微的差異。但Ram和Surya也可以說是一樣的…它們都是(生命)共同體…也就是純淨的意識。



© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.