What is Enlightenment?Everyone senses it within… people, animals, even insects… Some may simply call it the instinct for self-preservation.

每個人心裡都察覺得到它的存在… 人,動物,甚至於昆蟲…. 有些人簡單的稱它為自我保全的直覺。

It has many names… the soul, the Self, inner divinity, the unified field, Oneness, God… call it what you will.

它有好幾種不同的名稱… 靈魂,自我,內在的神性,共同體,ㄧ,上帝… 你要怎麼稱呼它都行。

Through evolution, the sense of it becomes clearer and clearer… Along the way, there are many awakenings… glimpses, hints, faint whispers of what is to come…

透過進化,這種感受到它存在的感覺變得越來越清晰… 在這進化的過程中,會有許多覺醒… 也許是驚鴻一瞥,也許是提示,微弱的聲音提醒前面的景象…

As water cools, it comes to know the nature of ice more and more fully… Yet, at one point it crystalizes… it becomes ice… and everything changes…

當水持續地降溫,它會越來越知道冰的特質…然而,當到達冰點的那個時刻,它水晶化了…它變成了冰… 然後一切都改變了…

Everything in creation gravitates back to the Oneness out of which it came.


It is that Oneness that you are sensing deep inside… that you are being drawn toward… like a moth around candle flame… like a plant reaching to the Sun… like a mountain stream to the ocean… until that moment when it all comes together… it crystalizes… that moment is called enlightenment…

你在內心深處感覺到的就是這個ㄧ體的感覺… 你被它吸引著… 就像飛蛾縈繞在燭光周圍… 像植物伸展迎向太陽… 像山林溪流奔向海洋… 直到它們都聚成ㄧ體… 它水晶化了… 那個時刻叫做見性。

It is not that anything goes away…


The full range of thoughts and emotions remain… The you that was… remains… But the real YOU emerges in full splendor… like a backdrop to all of creation… And in that moment, your relationship with everything changes… forever… You realize that nothing is really happening… that relative existence is a beautiful, glorious, magnificent mirage… a virtual image… like a reflection in the mirror, lightly etched on the face of Being… your Being… the only thing that really IS… Shiva… You and God are One…

那全面性的各種思想和情緒仍然存在… 本來的你還是存在的… 但真實的你展現出全然燦爛輝煌的面貌… 就像萬物身後的背景一般… 就在這個時刻的同時,你和所有一切人事物的關係改變了… 永遠的改變了… 你覺悟到實際上什麼都沒有真正發生… 相對世界的存在只是一個美麗的,輝煌的,壯觀的海市蜃樓… 一個虛擬的影像… 像鏡子裡反映的影子,輕微的鏤刻在生命體的表面上,你的生命體… 那個惟一真實的實相… 濕婆神… 你和上帝是一體的…

The Self that you sensed deep inside, overtakes the universe…


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.