Everything is born out of Oneness and gravitates back to Oneness.
That natural flow to Oneness is the vehicle you ride in meditation. You do not make the mind meditate. You allow it. Then, in time, your whole life flows in harmony with Oneness – with all that is. It is very simple, but highly elusive. Only the wise know how to listen.
什么叫你不需要要求你的腦子去靜坐? 什么叫你只要允許它? 谢谢!
What does it mean by you do not make the mind meditate? What does it mean by you allow it? Thanks.
There are numerous meditation programs available in contemporary society. Many impose a conditioning or unnatural programming upon the mind. Surya Meditation and Surya Ram Meditation both are an effortless process that is easy to learn and undeniably effective.
現今的社會裡有各式各樣的靜坐。許多是強制或是不自然的要求腦子處於一種狀態。Surya靜坐和Surya Ram靜坐兩者都是採用不費吹灰之力的方式。非常容易學習並且功效卓著。
The Surya Meditation and Surya Ram Meditation are transcending meditations. Rather than focusing, controlling, concentrating, or visualizing to gain mastery over the awareness, these meditations simply give our consciousness the space to self-normalize—unwind and unravel naturally, to rest into its true exquisite nature.
Surya靜坐和Surya Ram靜坐是回歸式的靜坐。這樣的靜坐並非透過專注,掌控,集中意識,或想像來達到征服意識的效果,而是給我們的覺知有空間來自動正常化──自然而然地放鬆並且解除束縛以達到安住在真實玲瓏有緻的本質上。