亲愛老師, Dear Teacher,

我可以在家自己或和家人閉關三天或更長吗? May I have my own retreat at home with my family for 3 days or longer?

It is not wise to do a personal retreat at home.  Over the decades, I have seen people do it with various unfortunate results.


靜坐時應该没有亮光吗?, 光絨對靜坐的影響是什么? Should there be no light while meditating?  What’s the impact of light on meditation?

I am not sure if you mean lights on in the room or light seen within your awareness.  Either way, the answer is the same: It does not matter.  Just treat is as you would any other thought.  Of course, if the light in the room is excessively bright, it is fine to dim it.



靜坐后为什么要听Sama Veda and RK9, RK10, 坐著听還是躺著听? 有何不同? Why listening to Sama Veda and RK9, RK10?  Should we be sitting up or laying down?  What’s the difference?

Sama Veda has a soothing and integrating effect… like oiling a machine so it runs more smoothly.  Rig Veda, Ninth Mandala (RK9) has a somewhat similar effect as Sama Veda, just a different angle of approach.  Rig Veda, Tenth Mandala (RK10) enlivens the wholeness value.

Sama Veda 有安撫的作用以及整合的效果──好比上了油的機器跑得比較順暢。Rig Veda第九篇有些類似的效果,只不過是從不同的角度契入。Rig Veda第十篇有使生命本體活化起來的作用。

Sit for a while with your eyes closed.  Then lie down for a while with your eyes closed.  You should be able to tell the difference for yourself.  If not, try it again at another time.  You may find that the challenge is not to feel the difference.  The challenge is to put your experience of the difference into words.  Roughly speaking, the mind is more inclined to being restfully alert when sitting up.  To lie down inclines the awareness toward a less alert state.  This is the natural way of the nervous system.  It is, of course, better to support that, not resist it.  However, if it requires significant effort to sit up, then it is fine to not sit up.


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