This is a translation of the About Anger blog and About Anger video.
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by Michael Mamas | Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | Chinese | 6 comments
This is a translation of the About Anger blog and About Anger video.
11 hours ago
The Truth about Religion and Flatlining
"Take the time to reflect on what is said here. If you find yourself associating this material with things you have heard elsewhere, please take the time to diligently explore how they are different. This knowledge is elusive. I share it here because I have seen how much this knowledge helps people – the potential is enormous."
– Michael Mamas
"True knowledge slips through the fingers of those not willing to ponder…"
– Michael Mamas
"Take what I say and work with it to develop a deeper understanding of life, rather than taking what I say and forcing it into the mold of your current relationship with life."
– Michael Mamas
"Evolution means change."
– Michael Mamas
"Your disposition is the tone with which you hold yourself, your cells, your psyche, your beliefs. More than anything else, it determines your life."
– Michael Mamas
Rayshan & JoJo,
Thank you so much!
我很喜欢这样翻译! 真得很棒!
我有问题是承认受傷, 面對受傷, 对一個健康關係有什么幫助?
为什么我们是那樣容易受伤? 而又有意無意傷我们周围的人? 是我们有太多ID嗎?
Why do we get hurt so easily? Why do we hurt people around us , intentionally or unintentionally? Is it because we have too many identities (IDs)?
If there are feeling within you that you suppress, you block the natural flow of energy in your body and mind. To suppress means to block. When you allow yourself to feel, to explore, what is within you, the energy is freed up so it can flow naturally. However, some people take that principle too far. They make a habit out of reliving hurtful experiences. You do not put out the fire by fanning the flame. Healthy exploration is one thing. Over indulgence is quite another.
當你愈深入自己的內在,一切就會更淨化,你也會感到更脆弱 。這是所有生命存在的本質。每個人的內在深層都是非常地脆弱.其實這樣很好,不是壞事。隨著你的生命不斷進化,你的內在也更淨化。就像是一把精緻的小提琴,需要非常細心地保護照顧。
The deeper you go, the more refined, the more vulnerable, everything becomes. That is the nature of all existence. Deep inside, we are all incredibly vulnerable creatures. That is a good thing, not a bad thing. As you evolve, you refine. It is like a fine violin, which requires delicate handling.
Impurities in the physiology [what we often call identities] create an unrefined quality in the psyche. This lack of refinement leads to poor behavior which is often quite hurtful. Also, those impurities can make you hypersensitive and easily hurt when not really justified. We live in a time when disrespect and poor behavior are common. We hurt and are hurt inappropriately.
Yes, there may be times when it is appropriate to hurt. For example, a loving mother may punish her child to help them behave properly. However, the idea of ‘appropriate hurt’ is usually used as a justification for poor behavior. Always favor kindness.
The key is to evolve. The more you evolve, the more established in your being you become. That does not mean you do not feel emotions. You, if anything, feel them even more. But those emotions are grounded in your being. It is like a tall tree rooted firmly in the ground. The leaves feel even the slightest breeze, but even the strongest storm will not uproot the tree.
感谢 Michaelji 解释和各位翻译, 言語是無法表達对您们感谢! 您们给了信心和力量.
Thanks to Michaelji’s response and the Chinese translation. It’s beyond words that can express my gratitude to you all. You have given me confidence and strength.
感谢 Michaelji 解释和各位翻译, 言語是無法表達对您们感谢! 您们给了信心和力量.