Michael Mamas spoke about yesterday’s blog in his talk yesterday. Here is a little clip of that talk.
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The Truth about Religion and Flatlining
More from Michael Mamas
"Take the time to reflect on what is said here. If you find yourself associating this material with things you have heard elsewhere, please take the time to diligently explore how they are different. This knowledge is elusive. I share it here because I have seen how much this knowledge helps people – the potential is enormous."
– Michael Mamas
More about Michael Mamas
"True knowledge slips through the fingers of those not willing to ponder…"
– Michael Mamas
"Take what I say and work with it to develop a deeper understanding of life, rather than taking what I say and forcing it into the mold of your current relationship with life."
– Michael Mamas
"Evolution means change."
– Michael Mamas
"Your disposition is the tone with which you hold yourself, your cells, your psyche, your beliefs. More than anything else, it determines your life."
– Michael Mamas
I’m glad you posted this video. This was part of a great lecture you gave yesterday.
I think this and the last blog are both a great way to introduce others to you and your teachings. Your sincerity, heartfelt nature, openness, empathy, and insightfulness are well portrayed.
Thank you for sharing this. It makes sense to me that anger is really based on an untruth. But I never really understood the mechanism until you unraveled it and explained it.
Wow, thank you for the video…I am dealing with exactly what you are talking about and it put in perspective faster than the blog…I wasn’t “listening” to the blog, but I heard you loud and clear today….thank you, thank you!
You described my reaction to hurt well. It is hard to just stay with the hurt and not get angry. Excellent blog and excellent video.
It helped me a great deal to be able to hear this again.
I feel I stuffed anger my whole life, because it was not appropriate to express…..or I wasn’t taught how to healthily
express it and move through it. Therefore, I probably repeated that cycle with Gaia.
I try to examine my patterns of not expressing my anger…..hurt for me resulted in tears, not in any ability to verbally express that hurt. I do try to look at my later stages of repressing that anger in my marriage. I am not sure if that is constructive, I try to avoid blaming and beating myself up.
My Christmas trip back home gave me the opportunity to really feel Anger. I don’t know that the hurt part has totally sunk in. But I never felt that raw emotion so strongly. My sister in law told me something my brother kept secret about his childhood…and he took that to his grave. I still get these incredible surges of anger about what happened to him, so much so I actually wanted to destroy the person who did that to him. That person is dead…and I don’t think I would have acted out that unhealthy first response . It was interesting to me, though, because as bad as things devolved at the end with Peter, I never wanted him dead, or to off him.
So, that aspect of anger, does take me by surprise. And yes, I have worked with it, realizing how hurt I am that my brother was traumatized and it truly effected his life in a tragic way.
So lately I am trying not to cross realm project, but thinking on anger and the Divine side of it? Peter had bought us a very old Kali , and for awhile I kept her out and eventually, I had to wrap her up and literally hide her. I was really afraid of her, I think. I could not deal with my anger. Then after Peter left the house, she disappeared. I looked and looked for her, and eventually had to just leave everything behind. I did not find her at his place either. I feel like Kali has a lot to teach me about anger and action. I am also feeling that in a different way through the Bhagavad Gita.
Thank you. Jai Guru Dev.