Meditation Environment (靜坐環境)

May I ask following questions?

  1. Why do we meditate in a closed room? With many people in the room, there is more carbon dioxide. As a result, the air is not good. There is not enough oxygen.
  2. Does keeping the room closed have something to do with the energy? Can the energy be maintained by keeping the room closed? Or there are other reasons?



It is best to meditate indoors. The stillness in the room holds and reinforces the space. Even when there is no wind, the space outdoors is not contained and thereby is not reinforced outdoors. If it is not practical to meditate in a closed room, you do your best – open some windows.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


branch为什么要一年二次閉關? 閉關的作用目地是什么? 在閉關中注意什么?
Why do we have retreats twice a year?  What is the purpose of a retreat?  What should be noted during a retreat?

During meditation you take a dive into the transcendent.  Then the transcendent is integrated into your physiology during activity.  So both meditation and activity are important aspects of your evolution.  Retreats are designed so you can take a deeper and longer dive into the transcendent twice a year.  It is like nature.  The sun rises and sets every day.  There is also the larger cycle of the four seasons.  During retreats it is best to not engaged too much into your business or other worldly matters.  Just do your best to stay with the program and enjoy.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Feelings and Identities

acornDear Dr. Mamas,


Are my feelings the same as my IDs (Identities)?



No. Your feeling are colored by your identities.  Some feelings are colored to a very small degree by identities.  Other feelings are totally determined by very powerful identities.  This is also true of how identities effect your thoughts.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Who Are You? (你是誰?)

You exist on many levels. On the most superficial level, you are your physical body. Some would say the physical body has attributes like consciousness, thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc.


On a bit deeper level, you are a personality that is beyond the body. The body is just a vehicle.


Some would define themselves by their work.
Some by their family and relationships.
Some by their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.


Now you may understand all of this, but that is not enough. Take a moment to reflect and to be honest with yourself. Who are you? How do you define yourself? Do not answer based upon a philosophy that you hold true to. Do not answer based upon what you think you should believe or intellectually know. Answer based upon what you feel. Answer based upon how you live your life. Answer based upon what you feel and experience from within your own life, not based upon what you have been told. On what level of life do you put most of your energy? What level are you invested in? To find the answer, do not just think, but FEEL. Also, look at how you live your life. The term for that is IDENTITY. What level of life are you most identified with?


Now, there are many more levels to you than the ones mentioned so far. Your being exists beyond your thoughts and emotions. Take a moment to feel into that. Who are you? What are you that lies beyond thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and the “story” of your life? What part of you lies beyond all of that?


It is quite normal and healthy for your attention to move from one level to the next. Sometimes your attention is mostly on your body. Sometimes your thoughts, sometimes emotions, sometimes the activity you are engaged in. At each moment, your ‘self’ is related to on a different level. That is fine.


But there is a particular level that you identify with as ‘you’ most of the time and put most of your life force into. What level is that? Do ponder this, but do not think you have to have an exact answer.


The value of the question is in the pondering of it, not in the answering of it.


Now, there is a level beyond all the levels we have discussed so far. It is the Transcendental basis of all the other levels of not only you as an individual, but of all life and all things. Just as the earth is the basis and the essence of all the plants, the one Transcendent is the basis, the essence, of everything. It is who you really are. The eternal you. The you that lies beyond space, time, thoughts, emotions, the story. It is the source of infinite bliss, harmony, intelligence, love, wisdom, and yet it lies beyond all of those things. It is pure Is-ness. It is one with all that is. You sense it inside yourself, though you may speak of it differently.


In the state of enlightenment, that is what you know your self to be. That is what you rest into, like the idle of an automobile. The engine is always running. It is always there. But the awareness naturally rests into that.


It is who you know yourself to be. You can still act with passion on all levels of life. But you are no longer identified with anything. You are in the world, but not of it. This is not an attitude or philosophy or belief. It is a state of consciousness. You simply see the world as it truly is. The deepest mystery of life is simply self-evident, obvious. You spontaneously and naturally live your life accordingly.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Retreat Question (閉關疑問)

retreat-questionQuestion 問題:

亲爱的 Dr. Mamas 老師,

在閉關期間, 我可以請同修做按摩, 音波調理, 咨询吗? 为什么?

Dear Dr. Mamas,
During retreats, may I have massage sessions, voice healing, or exploration? Why and why not?

Answer 答覆:

Massage is ok.


Not the other things.


Reason: especially during retreats, you do not want to interfere with your self-correcting mechanism.  Voice healing and exploration [I assure you] will push the subtle physiology in a direction.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Transcend (回歸於ㄧ)

transcend-blogWhat we are talking about is cleaning up that bell. Getting all the mud, sand, and crust out of the way so that the bell of your own being can ring in harmony and resonate with the grandeur that dwells at the depth of your own Being.


Your number one, most powerful tool is proper meditation. What I mean by proper meditation is a meditation that naturally brings your awareness to that Transcendental level. That quite naturally awakens you to that divinity that dwells at the depth of your own being. I call that proper meditation. And it is very rare.


Other meditations can have different purposes. They can try to focus your mind, control your mind: think only about God, things like that. And those can have some value. But, nevertheless, to try to control the mind in that way is like taking a beach ball and trying to force it to the bottom of a 12-foot deep swimming pool. It is not easy to do. ‘Boing,’ it goes right back. So, what we need is a technique that’s natural, that naturally allows the awareness to gravitate back to where it longs to go.


What do I mean by where it longs to go? Consciousness became conscious of itself and perceived it as other. There is a separation there. Consciousness becomes aware of those two things, and a third thing is born… It cascades out into a structure all about separation: I’m here; that’s there.

What do we know about separation? There is a pinch to it; there is some discomfort to it. If you are walking in the mall and you are hearing the people walking in front of you speak German and you don’t speak German, it is a natural thing to think, “Wouldn’t it be nice to understand what they are saying?” If you pick up a guitar and can’t play it, it is very natural to want to become one with that guitar. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just play that guitar? There is a natural tendency for separation to go back to Oneness. It’s Gravity. That gravitational force, the only force that really is, the Unified Force.

我所謂它渴望去的地方指的是什麼呢?識覺察覺到自己的存在時,把自己當成是另ㄧ個個體,就在此時分離產生了。識覺察覺到那兩個個體的存在,第三個個體產生了….. 它如梯聯ㄧ般擴散出ㄧ個分離的結構:我在這裡,那個在那裡。而我們對分離的了解是什麼呢?其中有種受損的感覺,有種不舒服的感覺。好比走在購物商場裡,聽到前面有人在講德語,而你不會講德語。很自然的會想“要是知道他們在說什麼該多好!”假如你拿起ㄧ個吉他卻不會彈,很自然的會想和那吉他合而為ㄧ,“要是能彈這吉他有多棒!”這種把分離帶回整體是自然的趨勢,它是ㄧ種引力。那股引力是惟ㄧ真實的能量,那種整體的能量。

We ride that Force, that natural force, with proper meditation. We don’t try to force the mind to conform to our notions of what it is supposed to look like or what it is supposed to do. Why? Because those models are echoes of Truth, perceived as Truth. We say, “We heard that Buddha said when he meditated there are no thoughts. Okay, if it is good enough for Buddha, it is good enough for me. So, I’m going to just push out thoughts and I will be just like Buddha.” But that is completely wrong. Buddha was able to allow his awareness to go to that state of consciousness of the Transcendent, Transcendental Consciousness, consciousness that lies beyond things that is just pure Consciousness. Pure Is-ness. So, it is only after the bell had been cleansed and purified that Buddha was able to close his eyes and just go right down to that field of pure Is-ness, pure Being, pure Consciousness, that one Consciousness that is the source of all things and all beings.


So, in proper meditation, you don’t make your mind go there. That is like pushing a beach ball to the bottom of a 12-foot pool. You allow the mind to gravitate naturally to where it longs to go: separation back to Oneness. That process of allowing the awareness to rest into the depth of being and become one with pure Consciousness, the Transcendent, is called transcending. The mind, the awareness, transcends. It is a very delicate technique. It is a very subtle technique. It is a very beautiful technique. Meditation is very common. Proper meditation is very rare.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

What is Enlightenment? (什麼是見性?)

What is Enlightenment?Everyone senses it within… people, animals, even insects… Some may simply call it the instinct for self-preservation.

每個人心裡都察覺得到它的存在… 人,動物,甚至於昆蟲…. 有些人簡單的稱它為自我保全的直覺。

It has many names… the soul, the Self, inner divinity, the unified field, Oneness, God… call it what you will.

它有好幾種不同的名稱… 靈魂,自我,內在的神性,共同體,ㄧ,上帝… 你要怎麼稱呼它都行。

Through evolution, the sense of it becomes clearer and clearer… Along the way, there are many awakenings… glimpses, hints, faint whispers of what is to come…

透過進化,這種感受到它存在的感覺變得越來越清晰… 在這進化的過程中,會有許多覺醒… 也許是驚鴻一瞥,也許是提示,微弱的聲音提醒前面的景象…

As water cools, it comes to know the nature of ice more and more fully… Yet, at one point it crystalizes… it becomes ice… and everything changes…

當水持續地降溫,它會越來越知道冰的特質…然而,當到達冰點的那個時刻,它水晶化了…它變成了冰… 然後一切都改變了…

Everything in creation gravitates back to the Oneness out of which it came.


It is that Oneness that you are sensing deep inside… that you are being drawn toward… like a moth around candle flame… like a plant reaching to the Sun… like a mountain stream to the ocean… until that moment when it all comes together… it crystalizes… that moment is called enlightenment…

你在內心深處感覺到的就是這個ㄧ體的感覺… 你被它吸引著… 就像飛蛾縈繞在燭光周圍… 像植物伸展迎向太陽… 像山林溪流奔向海洋… 直到它們都聚成ㄧ體… 它水晶化了… 那個時刻叫做見性。

It is not that anything goes away…


The full range of thoughts and emotions remain… The you that was… remains… But the real YOU emerges in full splendor… like a backdrop to all of creation… And in that moment, your relationship with everything changes… forever… You realize that nothing is really happening… that relative existence is a beautiful, glorious, magnificent mirage… a virtual image… like a reflection in the mirror, lightly etched on the face of Being… your Being… the only thing that really IS… Shiva… You and God are One…

那全面性的各種思想和情緒仍然存在… 本來的你還是存在的… 但真實的你展現出全然燦爛輝煌的面貌… 就像萬物身後的背景一般… 就在這個時刻的同時,你和所有一切人事物的關係改變了… 永遠的改變了… 你覺悟到實際上什麼都沒有真正發生… 相對世界的存在只是一個美麗的,輝煌的,壯觀的海市蜃樓… 一個虛擬的影像… 像鏡子裡反映的影子,輕微的鏤刻在生命體的表面上,你的生命體… 那個惟一真實的實相… 濕婆神… 你和上帝是一體的…

The Self that you sensed deep inside, overtakes the universe…


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Questions (问题)

亲愛老師, Dear Teacher,

我可以在家自己或和家人閉關三天或更長吗? May I have my own retreat at home with my family for 3 days or longer?

It is not wise to do a personal retreat at home.  Over the decades, I have seen people do it with various unfortunate results.


靜坐時應该没有亮光吗?, 光絨對靜坐的影響是什么? Should there be no light while meditating?  What’s the impact of light on meditation?

I am not sure if you mean lights on in the room or light seen within your awareness.  Either way, the answer is the same: It does not matter.  Just treat is as you would any other thought.  Of course, if the light in the room is excessively bright, it is fine to dim it.



靜坐后为什么要听Sama Veda and RK9, RK10, 坐著听還是躺著听? 有何不同? Why listening to Sama Veda and RK9, RK10?  Should we be sitting up or laying down?  What’s the difference?

Sama Veda has a soothing and integrating effect… like oiling a machine so it runs more smoothly.  Rig Veda, Ninth Mandala (RK9) has a somewhat similar effect as Sama Veda, just a different angle of approach.  Rig Veda, Tenth Mandala (RK10) enlivens the wholeness value.

Sama Veda 有安撫的作用以及整合的效果──好比上了油的機器跑得比較順暢。Rig Veda第九篇有些類似的效果,只不過是從不同的角度契入。Rig Veda第十篇有使生命本體活化起來的作用。

Sit for a while with your eyes closed.  Then lie down for a while with your eyes closed.  You should be able to tell the difference for yourself.  If not, try it again at another time.  You may find that the challenge is not to feel the difference.  The challenge is to put your experience of the difference into words.  Roughly speaking, the mind is more inclined to being restfully alert when sitting up.  To lie down inclines the awareness toward a less alert state.  This is the natural way of the nervous system.  It is, of course, better to support that, not resist it.  However, if it requires significant effort to sit up, then it is fine to not sit up.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Gravity (吸引力)

gravityEverything is born out of Oneness and gravitates back to Oneness.
That natural flow to Oneness is the vehicle you ride in meditation. You do not make the mind meditate. You allow it. Then, in time, your whole life flows in harmony with Oneness – with all that is. It is very simple, but highly elusive. Only the wise know how to listen.


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Proper Meditation (適當的靜坐)

meditationMeditation is common. Proper meditation is rare. The subtle difference makes all the difference. The Knowledge is delicate; a slight adjustment here or there and it is lost.


Everything in the pharmacy may be medicine, but the wrong medicine at the wrong time is life damaging. Similarly, selection of the appropriate mantra is critical. The mantra must come only from the Master. I have given you proper meditation. Now, the choice is yours. (Learn the Surya Meditation)


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.