This weeks unedited notes:
The Ancient Rishis reveal the secrets of the art of life
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” |
9 days of Mother Divine
Durga Havan
how to get your mojo working
encourage comments click on comments under blog title michaelmamas.net, and anonymous if so choose
quartz [e.g. in computers] stores energy]
Granite is over 40% quartz crystal Mount Soma can be viewed as a device so to speak, like a computer device a transducer of sorts
Sardinia waterwell, lunar stand still well every 18+ years
Big bang is at every point in creation
Karma + prana creates mind
2023 ceremony will be great… encouraged to attend
With churning of ocean first came out poisons, impurity.. alakshmi older sister of lakshmi
Infinite slices through the pie of existence
truth of myths
jyestha devi, alakshmi explained
What mentality have you joined?… really
you are what you eat
Life’s avalanche: giving yourself over to jyestha devi
The yugas
Rakshasas function through you identified by you as you, as truth.
When hurting, inclined to hurt back, say things regretted
Once said can not be unsaid… can forgive but can’t forget
you become the people you have joined
people are social creatures… people need people… watch who you bond with
When too far out on a limb it is wise to move closer to the trunk
History is just a fable we all agreed upon. Napoleon
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