Storm Helene’s Ancient Secret

Compared to the tragic losses in the area, Sri Somesvara come out rather well.  Post Hurricane at Mount Soma: Road damage, blocked roads, etc.:  To assist by making a donation to the temple, please click link:

faith based religion vs ethno religion receiving all ethnic protections including under [title 6?] of civil rights act

cultural integrity 


world in flux… how the chips will land

Devahoota  [devotee]  guardian angel   “messenger from God”  e.g. petri [ancestors], etc. 

it not where but how we will get there.  karma/god’s will functions through people

Course Correction

responsibility definition:  the ability to respond

Mount Soma… Our Purpose…  The Science of Global Prosperity and Peace

So many people are not stupid but rather just Not Paying Attention

the closer the goal the more the resistance.

the golden age is emerging

No Storms where there are People

Does the arrogance of ‘gossip’ rule the world? 

when arrogance reigns

humility is the flip side of wisdom. 

Why religions are losing favor: Simplistic understandings of God. 

 success comes from persistence

World Jyotish by Jaikrishna 


By Jaikrishna Panigrahi


We are in the final 48 month phase of a 60 year repeating Jyotish cycle called Chaandaal period. This year, 2022, is the 57th year. This time marks the beginning of a ‘final cycle phase’ before a new 60-year cycle begins. It is considered a time of transformation and change for earth and mankind spanning the coming four years. The last time this cycle occurred was in 1962-1966, a period of significant social upheaval and change on every level of society: (

In this last 48-month period, the planets indicate a great deal of change on the earth and nature. These are both important points. At present, the defining, dominant quality of nature is that it is in an ‘automatic cleanse’ cycle, during which time it automatically cleans the growing ‘dirt’ of our activity by itselffrom within its own nature. Just as the leaves produced in summer turn orange, dry and fall giving way the spring’s new growth, this season of life on earth marks a transition from one 60-year cycle to the beginning of a new ‘next’ season. It is natural and automatic, guided by the intelligence of nature. 


In this way, the parts of the earth in which there is a lot of violation of natural law – or sin – impurity, obsessive behaviour, cunning deeds, ego-driven behaviours and decisions, misconduct, destructive deeds and so on. These are creating a build-up of pressure leading to an opposite reaction from nature. Nature is often thought of as passive to man’s behaviours of abuse. This is not so. Nature’s reactions will dissolve these violations of natural law. Nature is moving to remedy these wrong actions and their damages to the earth. The entirety of life on earth will likely be affected by this transformative period of change, including plants, animals and human beings, economic systems, political systems and aspects of individual cultures. These are the basic features/traits of this 60-year cycle ending time as seen by Jyotish. (This identical point about violation of natural law building up pressure in nature was made by Maharishi in talks about collective consciousness and the phase transition.)

Nature has freely given the most valuable gifts to humanity: water, air, sun, fire and other things without any expenditure. These beautiful gifts are the basis of life on earth – the core framework for life in the natural world. 

Right now, humanity seems to stand tall in front of nature, but this is a misguided sense of completeness full of arrogance. Humanity is destroying its own base and continues to do so. We see this attitude and behaviour everywhere. It is a global situation, this arrogance and violation of natural law. Now the planets indicate that nature in all her intelligence and might is responding.

As a result, both the intellectual processes and the activities of human beings have become corrupted. Due to this violation of natural law nature is experiencing pain and suffering. Due to this nature is responding automatically. 


Here is how it happens: In the situation of such pain, a mirroring hardness is being built up inside of nature – a proportionate growing reactive energy. It is negative and destructive by its nature. It is the flip side of the kind and generous mother nature we are used to. The keyword is a destructive force. In the last phase of this Jyotish cycle, nature turns, changing within itself. A fierce, destructive aspect is enlivened. The benign, generous nature shifts and becomes more forceful, and destructive. This capacity is also in her nature. This change is created by all the wrongdoing and negativity in the consciousness and actions of people in the world. This is the result of growing violation of natural law and stress. It creates a growing destructive force in nature, caused by the disruption of the flow of natural law on the surface of life.


This triggering time has now started, indicated by Rahu, which will continue for the coming four years. It will include purifying activity, which will be constant. During this period of transformation, only that person aligned with natural law – the deities – will be safe. He or she who is favourable to nature will be protected because there is no difference between nature and the body and consciousness of man. Nature’s power is within all these expressions.

Before the destruction of a thing, its base gets changed – the roots or foundations get weakened or poisoned. Both the body, the mind and spirituality are affected as a result, corrupted, polluted, clouded. The body weakens and the mind loses sattva and the energy of purity and becomes weaker. Overall, there is a decrease in the essence of the body and mind due to a slow poisoning by the intake of or exposure to unnatural or non-essential elements, which manifests as devious, destructive thinking and behaviour – behaviour filled with ego. This is the basis of, and signs of the coming period of phase transition. This period will likely include some destruction, as we have already seen with these viruses. While it is a temporary time it is also a destructive time, eliminating the old in preparation for the new.


Especially its effect will be visible in the western parts of the world. In the beginning the destruction will also increase there. This is indicated by the lord of the western parts which is Shukra or Venus. This is also indicated by the position of Rahu is on the initial zodiac sign of Shukra/Venus. Rahu is creating the growth of a monster within collective consciousness. This monster commits violence and creates a destruction which leads to the situation of Chaandaal. This word Chaandaal refers to a collective affliction, dominated by people afflicted with low consciousness and primitive destructive thinking and behaviour. And day by day, this collective energy leads human beings towards suffering and destruction, while at the same time degrading the energies of the virtuous. This is the classic conflict found in the Bhagavad Gita and the Ramayana: degradation of dharma and the rise of sattva, in the form of Ram, or Krishna destined to overturn the trend of violence and violation of natural law.


Therefore, to prevent or protect from this situation, we maintain our own programs of spiritual practices, meditation, yoga, pure diet, ahimsa, balanced dinacharaya (daily routine), perform yagyas, adhere to right and conscious conduct and rely on Jyotish as a guide. This is the time to adhere to a sattvic code of conduct. With this a person develops his own fortress of protection (a kavach) through his own spiritual activities. He also thus dissolves his own karmas and is therefore better protected. 

During this time, it is essential to create a healthy, peace-supporting, balanced spiritual and intellectual environment. And this will be the main protection and shield of man during the period of phase transition. 


To avoid the coming difficulties (catastrophes), a man should take refuge in the power of the divine – his own essential nature, his own Self – and take refuge in and honour the balancing influence of the natural world. This too is a spiritual practice. Overall spiritual practices are very important at this time – perhaps never more important than now. Adhering to the spiritual guidelines, living a life of virtue, embracing generosity, non-violence and forgiveness will be protective and good, as will understanding the influences of the planets. This will help us think and act carefully and lower the risk of more serious troubles. 

As the leaves of the lotus plant remain in the water, but untouched by it, in the same way when individual choices are guided by the highest Vedic codes of conduct it gives blessings and protection to one’s life and allows the humans to be completely safe even in a time of pain and curses. 

This is only the demand of this time: stand up, wake up, leave your egos aside and raise your slogans in praise of a pure life, an honest life and a life devoted to moksha and union with the divine. This is the real state of grace: peace, prosperity, satisfaction through alignment with natural law. 


It is famously said in Sanskrit:

Satyena dhāryate pṛthvī satyena tapate raviḥ |

Satyena vāti vāyuśca sarvaṃ satye pratiṣṭhitam ||

It means: 

Earth is stable with truth, 

The sun is burning with truth, 

Air flows from truth 

All creation is fixed in truth.

All of creation is held together by an unseen matrix of truth – the universal laws of nature managing the entire creation. These forces are invincible. The earth is being held together in the embrace of this truth of natural law. It is the universal fabric of creation. If there is a strong destructive wave in the atmosphere, then the earth’s managing laws of nature (Devi Bhumi is the managing deity of earth) will grasp those creating these disturbances and destroy them. Only a life purity and well-being (a Swastik life) gives you safety, protection, prosperity and nourishment in this time. 

Astrology is a great helper to encompass, delve into and give true knowledge about these subjects. Therefore, with the help of astrology everyone should get rid of the possible troubles that come. This ever is our aim:

“Heyem Dukham Anagatam”

Meaning: “Avert the danger not yet come.” or, “The pain that is yet to come can be avoided.”

Jai Guru Dev

Pandit Jaikrishna Panigrahi

January 24, 2022


Rahu, the North Node of the Moon means to conceal, engulf or hide in Sanskrit. 

This Graha is associated with the world of material manifestation and worldly desire. Rahu is associated with the spiritual process of evolution, or the engrossing of spirit in materialization. Rahu is a karaka, or indicator, of worldly desire, fame, greed, high intelligence, manipulation, obsessive behaviour, foreigners, mass disease, dementia and inertia. The nature of this Graha is Vata, or Airy. He’s the significator of an irreligious person, outcast, harsh speech, logical fallacy, falsehoods, uncleanliness, abdominal ulcers, bones, and transmigration. 

Rahu is instrumental in strengthening one’s power and converting even an enemy into a friend. Poisonous snake bites can be healed by the grace of Rahu. In Buddhism Rahu is one of the krodha-devatas (terror-inspiring gods). 

Rahu professions: Rahu is a legendary master of deception who signifies cheaters, pleasure seekers, operators in foreign lands, drug dealers, poison dealers, insincere & immoral acts, etc. Rahu diseases: It gives suicidal tendencies, fears, phobias, poisonous bites, murder, theft, imprisonment, and diseases like cholera, dysentery, skin diseases, swelling of the uterus, and constipation. 

Rahu Signs: Friendly signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Cancer and Leo are its enemy signs. Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are friendly planets. Rahu is an enemy of Sun, Moon, and Mars. Rahu gives auspicious results in Taurus and Libra. Rahu is capable of giving power when rightly posited or exalted, and it gives fame, success in politics, money, and physical beauty (i.e., attraction). Rahu behaves like Saturn: Rahu is regarded as similar to Saturn in its effect. Smoky blue is its color, instinctual and animalistic its nature. Rahu is interested only in achieving all that gives pleasure, and even if it achieves all it wants, it is never satisfied (which is true of our animalistic nature). Although Rahu rules no sign of the zodiac, the zodiacal sign Virgo is its sign. Virgo is in fact assigned to Mercury, but Rahu being akin to Saturn and Mercury being a friend of Saturn, Rahu thus has authority over Virgo. Rahu god of chemical industry: Rahu governs all sorts of poisonous chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, and disinfectants that are in use in the present times. It also governs all the substances with a strong pungent smell like the sulphur-dioxide gas. In other words, Rahu has a role to play whenever a poisonous substance is involved. There is no equal to Rahu when it comes to giving Upliftment in Name and Fame, Sudden Luck Gambling, which is probably the reason why Western astrologers regard it as the greatest beneficial force.


responsibility is the pathway of adventure… the heavier the responsibility, the greater the adventure j.b. Peterson

“We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Power of “Naming”: Psychophysiology, Chakras Revisited

my unedited personal notes:


 This year: The global Ugadi ruler is Mars.   The Worlds year of 60-year cycle is Anger.  Next year is year of Peace

Sidereal Jyotish is small fraction of jyotish



Reason, Will, and Emotion in the Veda

The Psychophysiological Centers [chakras]:  How to feel, heal, and read their energy.  Valuable knowledge.

Newton, “Gravity” and “Energy”

Understand vs Overstand

You are what you eat.

However you define the world, it defines you.

Human History: the power of narratives

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

2024 Predictions

This week’s unedited notes:

The year of Anger and how it plays out; also, Ancient Secret to Hatha Yoga flexibility and a few Vedic verses explored

Upcoming year predictions are self-evident from watching the news and taking a step back. [as well as jyotish]. 2024: Our planet’s year of Anger, chaos, and conflict in all areas of life will continue throughout the year and well into 2025 BUT it is a clearing out process for good times to follow.  The world will then wake up to natural law, wisdom, and in-sight.  It is amazing to witness the degree to which mass mentality is so easily manipulated.  Yet the grassroots of humanity are always closer the Mother Nature.  Wisdom will emerge.  Just hang in there for now!  Think if it as a tint in the color of the water of the ‘fish bowl’ that will clear.  So, watch your anger!

Global events will be evaluated based upon one’s bias.  Think about it.  What happens in Ukraine, Israel, elections, climate change, borders, etc. etc. 

Whatever happens, half the world will see it as great, the other half will see it as disaster.  But the big picture is that we are in the phase transition.  That is a time when things bubble up in chaos as we have been seeing.  But after the chaos of 2024/2025, we will be on the right course.  Time and Mother Nature will let us know what that right course is.  

Hatha yoga secret to flexibility revealed.  

Tight muscles are about the nervous system, not the muscles!

Check it out:  

Panditji and Lakshmi will be attending a world peace havan in Varanasi, India in January.  I was invited to attend but my Mount Soma duties require me to stay at home.  ‘Would have loved to be able to attend.


From Upanishads:

Dvit¥yåd vai bhayaμ bhavati 

Certainly fear is born of duality. B®ihadåraˆyaka Upanishad 1.4.2 

Manifest diversity is unmanifest—there is nothing else. B®ihadåraˆyaka Upanishad 4.4.19 

Katha Upanishad 2.1.11 

All this is Ãtmå only. 

N®isiμhottaratåpan¥ya Upanishad 7 Chhåndogya Upanishad 7.25.2 

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Brahma Sutra:  Essential Knowledge “Now, the desire to know Brahman”


Dedicated to all sincere and humble seekers

athato brahmajijnasa…”now the desire to know Brahman”

everything gravitates to the Absolute.. i,e. evolution either drifting or Knowledge inspired  click 3 bars to right of ‘select page’ to make a donation

“The higher we are placed, the more humbly we

should walk.”


I was recently approached at the temple by a very kind and respectful young Brahmin gentleman. He spoke of his longing for true Knowledge. This touched my heart and compelled me to reflect deeply. I have been a teacher my entire adult life.  I have learned a great deal about people and how they receive or reject Knowledge.  The road of the teacher of deep knowledge is long and often leads to heartbreak.  How can a student remain steadfast along the path?  Where to begin such a limitless journey?  What are the pitfalls along the way?  Where and why along the way do so many spin out on tangents?  The simple answer it that a persons karma brings them to the Knowledge, and their karma takes them away.  This podcast is one more attempt to help.  It is humbly dedicated to all sincere seekers. Perhaps it will be the first of an unending series.  Or perhaps it is yet another in the lifelong unending series.

meditation..  experience vs knowledge

TM or youtube channel how to meditate

Veda traditionally not chanted for meaning but rather for repetition… meaning changes at various level of consciousness.  experience/knowledge

7 heads 7 levels of intellectual understanding

“practical” application

“You must train your intuition—you must trust the small voice inside you which tells you exactly what to say, what to decide.”

However “Intuition” rooted in Chit [Conditioned subconscious, programming, personal childhood ‘issues’, stress, etc.] is not true Intuition

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Ancient Secret “cell phone” to the Gods

this weeks unedited notes:

The “physics” of Is-ness: Transforming the “Dark Ages”

first day of waxing moon is called “no moon” day.  not a day to start new projects but good to worship ancestors, etc.    then the next two days are “new moon” days.  the second “new moon” day is auspicious and good day to start new things: Shiva Moon

political motivations are often very different than that of the voters

Is-ness = Consciousness…the only thing that is… isn’t a ‘thing’

Agama Shastra “cell phone to Heaven”…  entry… invite Gods to enter..  there is an Agama Shastra for each deity,  

yantra: all actions of havan create a ‘machine’, a yantra, 

mantra: emergence of deity between yantra and tantra of havan 

tantra [2 meanings one for humans e.g. meditation, one for gods receiving influence of the havan]

fish bowl effect:  kali yuga:  we are all swimming around in the same fishbowl.  who is not affected?

“The greatest chapters in history always begin with risk, and the same is true with the chapters of your life.”

risking nothing is a great risk.  everything is a risk.  nothing ventured, nothing gained. we are always traversing the unknowable. risk is the nature of the unknown.   the only true knowing is knowing you know nothing

futility of debate:  to talk another out of their feelings is to impose denial… better to help them explore what they are feeling,  The light of awareness is the true healer.

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Mai Pen Rai; The True Kshatriya

This weeks unedited reflections:

Unification of Paradox; The Art of Decision Making; What Really Does/Doesn’t Matter; How to be Great

Mai Pen Rai…  Thai: it doesn’t matter,  nice motto for the soul 

Horizontal and Vertical unification/integration

The Art of decision making: everybody makes decisions constantly even the choice to not decide is a decision

Memorial Day

Warrior/Leader, Life on the Line

baby/bathwater;  the anchor and the waves; connotations

it is not necessarily about reflecting and mourning all day long.  but take a moment as a family to address it, its value, its meaning.  that more than a huge lecture will instill values in our children.  touch their heart and then let them figure it out for themselves.

loving your country in kali yuga

be the person you would like to believe you were in a past life.

Home/Om/Womb:  The Lords of Moksha

Current Events:

Land of opportunity, not oppression, Tim Scott

ivory tower head trips vs wisdom

moral integrity: embraced or abandoned?

95% of our children spend an average of 3 1/2 hours per day on social media 

Total screen time 8 to 9 hours per day 30% of young girls has seriously considered suicide connect the dots

fiscal policy… the debt tipping point


Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Kaivalya;  Samhita; Kumbabishekam; Ultimate Tech

This weeks unedited notes:

Eternal Wholeness of the Totality; Veda/Nature/Cosmic Tech/Liberation

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.”

Kumbabishekam and Pandits

Temple first day when they started chanting

5 Havan Kunds going at once.  Thrilling Booming Reverberation of Transcendental Wholeness permeating the earth, the air, and to the very depth of our being 

physiology… when yo finally get enlightened you will realize how ridiculously physiological it is”


Make it a yearly event!?

volunteers were all so great, focused, selfless ,,  

“see job do job avoid the misery” painting, flowers, mowing, rooms, kitchen, etc, etc.

ladies singing bhajans brings to me a sense of my eternal inner home with exquisite childhood memories of family weekend get togethers.


Samhita Value, permeates everything in space and time

Undefended means innocence just simple innocence

You have to have experienced everything before you get enlightened

The witness with a capital W is Samhita. Wholeness.

The world is a wholeness 

“Somewhere out there some group that knows this because it is Truth”

World needs an axis to exist.

That is why there is always a north and south pole, completing the Samhita Value

The Yugas:  Role of the rakshasa value. An axis has two poles: The time value of Samhita…  Healthy relationship with.


Current Events: 

As the phase transition to Sat Yuga continues, things in the news are getting more and more ridiculous.  Just remember it is the nature of the transition to an Enlightened Age.  No worries.  Everything will be fine.

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Ancient Secret: How We Created and Sustain Our Current Situation

The global mind, The frame, Patanjali, karma, perception, and prana

Life is all about the frame it’s all in how do you frame it?

Every interaction is a long-term goal every thought 

we do not really perceive.  we project onto

Existence too is all about framing… vastu, set theory, field theory… how the universe was created and sustained… all done with mirrors…

What is a set theory? What is a field?:  the field you project is the reality you create for yourself…  every experience then confirms for you what you believe to be true… the color glasses you are wearing. Set theory.  Filed Theory

’You gift is also your challenge’  Like many people, my gift is that I see the good, the divinity, in others.  My challenge then is that I overlook their shortcomings until they come back to bite me.

free will  or predetermination?

karma + prana = The Mind

How to heal the planet… the Ancient Secret revealed.

My favorite Willie Nelson song:  

Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground w/ lyrics

[ you can watch on YouTube]


“Circumstances don’t make the man, they only reveal him to himself.”


“Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly.”


Blurring or conflating Vedic studies with religion, is a big mistake    The Veda is the vessel that holds all fields of knowledge all of life all of existence

diversity of thought,  communication/communion vs polarization..judgement vs understanding… friendship

1/3 of 18-25 year olds believe in higher power.  my question:  higher than what?  what do they mean by a ‘higher power’.  I believe it is not what I mean by higher power.  I too do not believe in what they mean by it.

“The more you tell the truth the more powerful you become”…..Tucker Carlson

Carlson’s post firing video: over 60 million views in less that 24 hours

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Real World Jedi Knights of the Universe

Today we take one step further into the depth of understanding of how the universe works.

The song “imagine”:  It might read like a grade B sci-fi movie

”Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”


”We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.”



Archery in the Veda.  Multiple Levels

Yajur Veda,  Dhanur Veda,  Martial Arts, Archery,  Yoda in Star Wars..Jedi Knights.  Highest level of Archery and martial arts lies far beyond physical combat

But Pandits are Brahmins

Krishna was a Kshatriya—embodiment of the Knowledge—“Bridged” Brahmins with Kshatriyas you might say,

the story/trajedy of Angkor Wat

Leaders are Kshatriyas,  warrior, ruler, leader, king.  tip of the arrow.  Builder and maintainer of the enlightened city. 

Tip of the arrow. Positive attracts Negative. Its not the role of the Pandits.  Building a Shiva Temple.  Building an Enlightened City.  Huge challenges.  Not comprehended even when explained… “I get it syndrome”.


Current Events

Michigan government helping to fund CCP battery company which requires allegiance to Chinese communist party

cultural integrity getting blurred with racism

Morality getting blurred with conservatism

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The Truth about Astrology (and Your Personal Ugadi Reading)

Your personal Ugadi Reading for the next 12 months is listed below.

To learn more about Vedic astrology and your personal Ugadi Reading please listen to “The Truth about Astrology” podcast.  To listen to the audio, please click here.  To watch the video on Facebook, please click here.  To watch the video on Twitter, please click here.

There are many factors determining your karma over the next 12 months.  The challenge of jyotish is to see what those factors are and weigh them accurately.  This is no simple task.  Pandit Prasad rigorously performs all the detailed calculations for the Ugadi values every year for each Moon Sign.  This is only one factor, but a very important factor in revealing your karma for the year.  Do note that this is only one factor and your chart must be considered as a whole by a skilled Jyotishi to be most meaningful. We do well to consider these important Ugadi values when examining our jyotish charts.  If you would like to learn more, please listen to the podcast.There are also pujas than can help remedy any negative karmas that these Ugadi numbers reveal.  To have Pandit Prasad perform the appropriate pujas to mitigate the difficulties and support the positive aspects your Ugadi reading reveals, please follow these instructions: 

1) Click here to enter the “General Donation” page of the temple website2) DONATE TO: You will be asked to choose an option. Click on “General Donation”.3)  Under AMOUNT: click on “other amount”4) A DONATION BOX WILL COME UP: enter 301.00 in the box5) In the SPECIFICS ABOUT YOUR DONATION box: write “Ugadi Puja” and enter your name, date, time and location of birth.

 Your Ugadi reading follows below.  You need to know the sign (according to jyotish) the Moon was in the time you were born to read the following chart.  If you do not know what that Moon sign is, anyone with basic jyotish knowledge could help you determine that.  The numbers on the left in the column below are the jyotish moon signs (1=Aries, 2=Taurus, etc.).  The next numbers in order are Income, Expenses, Honor, Dishonor, and Lucky Number.

1:  8,14,4,3,9

2:  2,8,7,3,6

3: 5,5,3,6,5

4: 14,2,6.6,2

5: 2,14,2,2,1

6: 5,5,5,2,5

7: 2,8,1,5,6

8:  8,14,4,5,9

9;  11,5,7,5,3

10: 14,14,3,1,8

11:  14,14,6,1,8

12: 11,5,2,4,3

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.