Ancient Secrets about Divine Intervention

The Deeper Understanding of God’s Grace, Fate, Destiny & Karma

The Truth about “Guardian Angels”

grace of almighty god, gods will:  1] divine grace, 2] free will, 3] karmic waves

patton, george washington 

Dice with the universe?

Heisenberg, the shape of the bell curve, probability, and group consciousness

the Absolute [the Transcendent] is Pure Consciousness

the dirty fish bowl

guardian angels and the Divine Hierarchy personification  of which? divine grace or karmic wave?

Good luck, bad luck, grace and destiny

Mt Soma: freeing the bell curve

riding the waves of karma or “divine intervention”.  explaining the difference

yin/yang and equanimity;

anatomy of ‘do nothing accomplish everything’ what that really means,, all is subjected to interpretation

the wonder of infinite correlation

Just go outside any elementary school and feel the vibe.  it is around every elementary school i have ever seen.  those are guardian angels you are feeling… if you refuse to feel that, i can not help you understand it.

atma, projection, existence

politics and the veda

yin creates yang

what is equanimity?  the deeper meaning… go for that!

clean the house and the negativity goes away

the vast majority of humanity is good 

just a dash of gossip, negativity, worst wheel on wagon. just the dust that gets stirred while the wagon is rushing by

people are how they are…..  can’t just tell a weak muscle to be strong

opportunity knocks but only the wise know when to open the door

all of life is a risk  

passion, equanimity and truth


Emanuel Lasker essentially said he spent the last half of his life trying to forget what he learned the first half

chapter 7 Bhagavad Gita

“God does not play dice with the universe”
A. Einstein

       “He who is brave is free.”


“Worst wheel on the wagon makes the most noise.”  ____
“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”
  “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ALVIN TOFFLER

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Assassination Attempt Thoughts

Truth or Oblivion?

We Will Never Know

clean the fish bowl of global consciousness.  

The Vedic technology is there.  We have only to build it.

Who killed JFK? 

we will never know.  could it be? : “Oh, Who’s being naive Kay?”

Government official to his son:  “If you think you know what is going on, you are kidding yourself”

Emanuel Lasker essentially said he spent the last half of his life trying to forget what he learned the first half

“Truth is so rare, it is delightful to tell it.”

It is much more rare and delightful when it is received and acknowledged MM

“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”
  “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ALVIN TOFFLER

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Mt Soma; Sri Somesvara is now Hiring All positions: Management, Indoor/outdoor Maintenance, Housekeeping, etc.  If you are interested, please email and leave your contact information

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The Truth about Religion and Flatlining

Wisdom tiptoes through the minefield of flatlines.

Life is not about “things”; rather it is about healthy relationships with all things

The Only True Knowing…

opening comment: Mt Soma SriSomesvara is now Hiring All positions: Management, Indoor/outdoor Maintenance, Housekeeping, etc.  If you are interested, please email and leave your contact information

With the remodeling, road repairs, replaced HVAC, etc. the temple is in great need of funds.  To donate, please visit:

YouTube video shows arguing between people of different religions

emotional stability and flatlining.  

best way to deal with frequent flatliners… keep your distance 

conversation with person whose religion is science … very interesting

science is the new religion for many people… can you understand why?

Religion is 50% spiritual and 50% cultural.   healthy cultures culture/nurture life

conversations with Baptist ministers … deeply reflective men

diversity is inherent in the nature of existence…  that is why it is called ‘relative’ existence…  perspectives

agnostics, atheists, and religious

another church billboard:  “Life without God is like life without water”: Left and Right Brain Meanings

“Knowledge is structured in consciousness” MMY

this day and age things must make logical sense…

Emanuel Lasker essentially said he spent the last half of his life trying to forget what he learned the first half

“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”
  “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ALVIN TOFFLER
“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Being and the Truth about DNA


What Harmony with Nature really means

The Mind, Shruti, and the Brahmanas


opening comment: flatlining: it happens to everyone, but how do you manage it?

To Be or Not To Be: What is Being?

The Second Coming: what, when, how

The Mind, Shruti, and the Brahmanas

What Harmony with Nature really means

DNA. Darwin, and the Veda

Engineering Nature

psychophysiology, consciousness, mind, DNA, and the fish bowl

Prana + Karma = Mind

what “we are redeemed by God’s Grace” really means

guitars get out of tune and so does humanity

  “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ALVIN TOFFLER
“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

‘Wiping the Slate Clean’   Descarte Armageddon? …   One Way or Another?

blurb: Infinite Correlation and the Eternal Atma


I have done podcasts on Brahma Sutras, Upanishads, Shiva Sutras, and structure of Veda and Vedic Literature.  I intend to visit specific aspects of Vedic Literature in the future.


everything is the center of the universe

your atma is eternal

Riemann sphere

the surface dances around the atma.  Yet in kali yuga, most identify with the surface as ‘I’.

projection and Descarte

I think therefore I am…   vs.    atma is…  consciousness is

the eternal Atma

“The real war will never get in the books.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Consciousness Liberated


Cognition vs Perspective

How to Know Everything

Limits Upon Awareness

“The real war will never get in the books.”


My experience of teaching:  slips through fingers and they don’t realize it. 

Pandits more easily accept where people are at than I can

Positive elicits negative:  I could not believe it unless I experienced it.

Darwin and the Veda


arrogant alignment with current mentality

not so much a group out there choosing to be evil deceivers 

rather they believe in their perspective and push it.  Beyond that then is they only fund research they believe is correct and those who do not conform do not get grants.

how to build and enlightened city

was Anker Wat an enlightened city

why I am told not to reveal much about an enlightened city.  And already, others are taking on the term.

supernatural powers

humility is flip side of wisdom

only thing worse than stupid is stupid that thinks its smart

compromising truth so as not to offend

Mystery History, Barabar. . they are moving in the right direction but lots more to go of course.

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How to Negotiate with the Gods


How to Work with the Laws of Nature


Rishi, Devata, Chhandas    

what it really means to negotiate with the gods

economics prof.  predicting economy is like predicting where leaves will land when falling from tree

the subtle/depth determines the gross/surface…  negotiate with the god

but in the language of god, not of man

man on gods side, or god on man’s side

yagyas and prayer

A bit on anger:

who’s angry at whom and why? 

the mechanics of anger

Anger and the Gods.

you will always have a ‘rational’ justification for your anger and be sure you are ‘right’

anger and the chit

  “         “    paradigm identity

  “         “    the laws of nature  [i.e. the gods]

second response… what it is and is not

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Worlds within the Absolute… Chaitanya Unbounded Brahmanas

Reaching for the Ungraspable 

Brahmanas Somersaulting Mountaintop to Mountaintop

Where all Paradox finds it Resolution

e.g. How Krishna makes “Universes”

One Thought of Brahma

Opening Thoughts: 

“The Secret Doctrines”: This Moment in Time

Close mindedness vs. Discernment

The dissolution of empires


my unedited personal notes:

Of war and peace, the truth just twists

Its curfew gull just glides

Upon four-legged forest clouds

The cowboy angel rides

With his candle lit into the sun

Though its glow is waxed in black

All except when ’neath the trees of Eden 

B Dylan

One slice through a piece of picture jasper

Cosmic Enigmas of James Webb:  They have no idea.

Vedic Technology:  do yagyas work?  time delay, clearing ‘gunk’

“Democracy comes about when there is nobody around who is fit to lead”

democracy: grassroots wisdom or ‘mob rule”.  Sherman called democracy ‘mob rule’.  But beats tyranny.

spiritual free-for-alls

Today’s upheavals in a nutshell:  the lost looking for righteous cause in a depraved society

the culturally stupid

why the Veda might be called “The Secret Doctrine”

racism is cultural integrity gone insane

the ‘I get it syndrome’ vs the physiology of awareness

how to allow the depth to refine the surface.  deeper than emotional and mental levels

Essential Key: understanding the bigger picture… deeper knowledge than what is mainstream

longing for meaning…lost their way… society without direction

physiology of humans:  one thought at a time.  transcendental physiology: knowing more than one thing, all things. simultaneously

“Be generous, be delicate, and always pursue the prize.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Power of “Naming”: Psychophysiology, Chakras Revisited

my unedited personal notes:


 This year: The global Ugadi ruler is Mars.   The Worlds year of 60-year cycle is Anger.  Next year is year of Peace

Sidereal Jyotish is small fraction of jyotish



Reason, Will, and Emotion in the Veda

The Psychophysiological Centers [chakras]:  How to feel, heal, and read their energy.  Valuable knowledge.

Newton, “Gravity” and “Energy”

Understand vs Overstand

You are what you eat.

However you define the world, it defines you.

Human History: the power of narratives

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The 5 Tanmatras: Divine Currents

my unedited personal notes:


 This year: The global Ugadi ruler is Mars.   The Worlds year of 60-year cycle is Anger.  Next year is year of Peace

Sidereal Jyotish is small fraction of jyotish


The tanmatras

The incarnation process

Prana + Karma = Mind



people would not be so opposed to religion if simplistic understandings of religion/spirituality did not prevail.  

the wind blows strongest at the top of the mountain

when you’re on top, that is when the devil comes to get you.  Denzel Washington

“People everywhere confuse what they read in newspapers with news.”
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
“Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.