Being and the Truth about DNA


What Harmony with Nature really means

The Mind, Shruti, and the Brahmanas


opening comment: flatlining: it happens to everyone, but how do you manage it?

To Be or Not To Be: What is Being?

The Second Coming: what, when, how

The Mind, Shruti, and the Brahmanas

What Harmony with Nature really means

DNA. Darwin, and the Veda

Engineering Nature

psychophysiology, consciousness, mind, DNA, and the fish bowl

Prana + Karma = Mind

what “we are redeemed by God’s Grace” really means

guitars get out of tune and so does humanity

  “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ALVIN TOFFLER
“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Integrating the Transgradient Self

my unedited personal notes:


mono-dimensionalizing people

My comment on essentially a history of civilizations book: “The End of Everything”

… And the even bigger picture.


someone asked me, “Are you worried?”

is God on your side?

saw on church sign:  “we are redeemed by God’s grace”

aligning on different levels of the self

astral echoes vs integration: echoes of truth hold truth at bay

to question is to evolve

as said, doctrines are called ‘secret’ for a reason

shastras are not a cookbook

once enlightened, everything you thought you knew changes

humility is flip side of wisdom

racism is cultural integrity gone insane


“Nothing can be done except little by little.”
“The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else.”
“feuds and weeds grow quickly”   old mountain saying

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How to Live as Long as You Wish; Human Longevity in the Vedas

my unedited personal notes:

Essential Key: understanding the bigger picture… deeper knowledge than what is mainstream

Opening Thoughts: 

This Moment in Time

The dissolution of empires… cultural integrity is the first thing that goes

Somersaulting Mountaintop to Mountaintop


longing for meaning…lost their way… society without direction

laws of nature change over time… clean the fish bowl and live as long as you like.


when history goes back so far that the laws of nature have changed, we no longer call it history.  Instead, we call it mythology

 time delay, clearing ‘gunk’

why the Veda might be called “The Secret Doctrine”

health in the golden age: ‘decorations’ around front door

how to allow the depth to refine the surface.  deeper than emotional and mental levels


“feuds and weeds grow quickly”   old mountain saying

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Worlds within the Absolute… Chaitanya Unbounded Brahmanas

Reaching for the Ungraspable 

Brahmanas Somersaulting Mountaintop to Mountaintop

Where all Paradox finds it Resolution

e.g. How Krishna makes “Universes”

One Thought of Brahma

Opening Thoughts: 

“The Secret Doctrines”: This Moment in Time

Close mindedness vs. Discernment

The dissolution of empires


my unedited personal notes:

Of war and peace, the truth just twists

Its curfew gull just glides

Upon four-legged forest clouds

The cowboy angel rides

With his candle lit into the sun

Though its glow is waxed in black

All except when ’neath the trees of Eden 

B Dylan

One slice through a piece of picture jasper

Cosmic Enigmas of James Webb:  They have no idea.

Vedic Technology:  do yagyas work?  time delay, clearing ‘gunk’

“Democracy comes about when there is nobody around who is fit to lead”

democracy: grassroots wisdom or ‘mob rule”.  Sherman called democracy ‘mob rule’.  But beats tyranny.

spiritual free-for-alls

Today’s upheavals in a nutshell:  the lost looking for righteous cause in a depraved society

the culturally stupid

why the Veda might be called “The Secret Doctrine”

racism is cultural integrity gone insane

the ‘I get it syndrome’ vs the physiology of awareness

how to allow the depth to refine the surface.  deeper than emotional and mental levels

Essential Key: understanding the bigger picture… deeper knowledge than what is mainstream

longing for meaning…lost their way… society without direction

physiology of humans:  one thought at a time.  transcendental physiology: knowing more than one thing, all things. simultaneously

“Be generous, be delicate, and always pursue the prize.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

“Inner Grit” What It Is and Is Not

my unedited personal notes:


Next week an invaluable podcast series on the five Tanmatras [i.e. The Five Divine Currents] begins.  Powerful, compelling, deeply personal yet universal.  I encourage you to join us.


not ego, not childhood wounds cloaked as one’s ‘truth’.  not perspective, bias, or beliefs

Real ‘inner grit’ comes from the transcendent.  the witness, the Shiva value. Yet positive attracts negative.  Being that in kali yuga attracts negativity, judgement, resentment, projection, misunderstanding, jealousy, anger, etc.  and that will come not just from strangers but from those closest to you.  The other option is low profile, like the Mona Lisa smile.  So, some choose to speak from that place openly while others prefer to hide it.  The choice is theirs but the decision comes from a spontaneous place called their own true nature.  Either way one has little choice in which they live…  and the process of living it is not clear cut.  It is awkward and difficult as one integrates the ‘house of mud’ of the superficial self, with the awakening process to one’s inner Divinity… the undefinable, ungraspable field of Perfection… The silent, unbiased, unopinionated Shiva value within.  From there, commitment is infinitely solid, yet paradoxically not black and white. 

Cultured life vs behavioral modification

Spiritual growth is not about outward appearance.  it is an evolutionary process.  though there are phase transitions along the way, it is essentially gradual with no surface displays of progress.  It is natural, like the growth of a tree or the rising of the sun.  So, it is common to put on ‘behavior airs’ to convince one’s self and others that they have spiritually ‘advanced’.  Are the changes rooted in subconscious chit or genuinely from within a stronger connection with the transcendent?  That is not so easy for one to tell for sure.  Yet the desperation to want confirmation compels many to modify their behavior in an attempt to convince themselves and others of their progress. 

The following is a lovely note from one of my long-term students reflecting the truth of the genuine process of spiritual development… humble, uncertain or even confused on the surface, yet life changing, solid and profound: 

Dear Michaelji,

I could not write a good ‘about me’ page for my blog. Then yesterday I wrote one that [my husband] also liked. I was wondering if it sounds correct to you? It has been my experience.

About Me:

From a young age, I started to define myself through others. I would/and still do want others to validate me and my existence. While growing up, I could not find a clear mirror, not from my family, friends, or teachers. I didn’t always receive a positive reflection when I was myself. I learned that I was much more accepted if I mirrored others instead of them mirroring me. Although superficial, I finally had connections with people. However, over time, I forgot that I existed at all. 

Then, in my early 30’s, I met my teacher. The first day of class I walked into the room to the cleanest mirror I had ever experienced. Because the reflection was so clear, I could barely hold back my tears. All day, I felt a burst of emotion move through my body. I was too embarrassed about crying around a bunch of strangers. Because of this, I ran to my car after class, drove home, ran inside my apartment while avoiding all my neighbors, and shut my door. I let out years and years of a false sense of myself. I did not stop crying until I woke up the next day. 

Over time, I have realized that I have karma, and people look at me through this karma. Somehow, my teacher could see me outside of my karma, and in return, I developed a sense of myself. Not immediately, but over time, I developed a reference frame outside of the world reflection. I call this my inner grit. When I feel myself reaching out there for answers and validation, I return to this place of uncomfortableness and stay with it until it disappears. It is not fun or easy, so I call it “inner grit.” 

This blog is about what I find during my explorations. In the past, I would have been too afraid of what others thought to speak out. But now, if what I say is ridiculed, questioned, or picked apart, I know I have a place to go that will transcend it all. Once I stop wanting to be heard, I will be heard. This is how I feel life works, and my inner grit will get me there.


“If you don’t like your personality, you better change it now because after you are enlightened, you won’t care.’”

    attributed to Swami Muktananda

“Failure will never stand in the way of success if you learn from it.”

“graveyards are full of indispensable people”


“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
“Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Beautiful Veda: Karma Mimansa Finding Your “Groove”

my unedited personal notes:


Happy Easter, Christ Resurrection, What does Supernatural mean?

Jesus and the Veda


Exquisite Structure of Vedic Knowledge: 

How to Become Great

Upangas, Samskruthi, Sampradaya

How to remain sane in an insane world…

Samskruthi – Culture 

Sampradaya- Tradition. 



Karma Mimansa/Chhandas



healthy value systems endangered:

buckaroo bonzai syndrome vs. staying in your lane

diet, exercise, play musical instrument, be good at a sport, social media, internet, make money, liberal/conservative, global warming, covid, nuclear war, sitting, judgements, easy money, sex, short attention spans, looking good, popular, nice body, pretty, smart, clever, street wise, spam mail, electric lives, comparing yourself to others, grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

YouTube, TikTok, social media pressures, wide receiver in half back body


focused yet unbounded awareness vs. narrow minded, oblivious

who are you?

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it”


“Perseverance, secret of all triumphs.”
”I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.“ SOCRATES  
“Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” ROBERT COLLIER  

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Stable Flexible Mind: No Limits

my unedited personal notes:

Freedom and the Veda

Natural vs. Indoctrinated

Healthy Insights in a Conflicted Paradoxical World

Opening Thoughts: probiotics, Kefir

alignment with natural law vs indoctrination

the human condition

the earth will soon reveal her treasures… 

Salem witches, flat earth, ufo, Antarctica and more


Beyond Intrenched Perspectives

The Mind Unchained

 admiral Byrd

the world is not as we were lead to believe

mass manipulation

entrenched perspectives

Infinite flexibility, infinite stability….  flexibly fixed

fixed, one pointed, paradoxical mind, life nature healthy mind paradoxical world

how able are you to shift your perspective?  how easy is it for you to admit when you were mistaken?

right technique, wrong yuga

state department assistant to sec of state said confidentially: ‘if you think you have any idea of what is really going on, you are totally confused”

”I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.“
SOCRATES   “Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” ROBERT COLLIER

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Cosmic Joke, Liberation & Afterlife 2

my unedited personal notes:

Opening Thoughts: The Supreme Court, Ancient Egypts Right and Left Hands

 Insight vs. Projection, Celestial vs. Astral, Free Will vs. Predetermination

I will respond to the following two comments:  

Hello Michaelji,

 I’ve been thinking about the afterlife a lot in the past couple of years, since I’m getting older and the body is beginning to fall apart. It just seems to do that, no matter how clean or wholistic a life you’ve led. Now I wish I’d had more ice cream. Question is, do we have any control where we go after we leave the body? Many NDE’ers go directly to the void and bypass the astral altogether. To me that seems to be the better option, I don’t quite trust the astral characters. Also wondering what you think of people who practice out of body trips on purpose, not near death experiences? Sounds a bit risky to me. Thank you, I really enjoyed this podcast.

Hello Michael,

Is it alright if I ask you a question? I have been having experiences where I can see how I am projecting onto people and things. I realized the other day in traffic as I looked at a McDonald’s that I had even been projecting onto how I had always seen McDonald’s. It was like a light film of my own perception that had nothing to do with the franchise. I wrote about it in a blog. But since I have put it down in words, I have had a pit in my stomach. The pit is a feeling that nothing I feel is real. So every time I feel something, I don’t know if it is real. I am now questioning everything I feel. I know it is about relationship with, but it goes into my belief that what I feel is not valid. I know I need to figure this out on my own, and I know other people don’t have my conditioning around what they feel. But how do you move forward when nothing makes sense?

Thank you! Great Podcasts

It doesn’t matter and it matters a lot…  when the anchor is strong, one feels deeper without the ship toppling

“You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.”
“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How to Develop Your Mind

blurb:   Enlightenment is the Easy Part. 

my unedited personal notes:

Opening Thoughts:  climate change, the mid ’70s and now, modern physics fiasco and the upcoming re-alignment, here we address delicate issues so the exploration is yours.

the key to integrated awareness…    culturing the awareness

Everything maps onto everything else.  It is all right there in ‘how to play the piano’

what they don’t tell you about liberation

body of mud, body of crystal

As in music: what key are you playing in? 

What is in harmony with nature and how to find it

you are unique, and there is mother nature

your truth or your ‘stuff’/issues

healthy relationship with learning to ride a bike

field theory and the key of the music

the formula and the dance on the scale

Culturing your groove.

modern times expanded sphere of influence.

can we play in all keys?  In other words: Who are you?

boat in the water, no water in the boat.

Cultured/Developed vs Narrow minded

What is freedom?

What are roots?

The Inner Grandmother:  What is the deeper meaning of:

A saint was asked: “My mother does not know about healthy food.  What should I eat?  

He answered: “Ask your grandmother”

Hint:  It is not about food, or your grandmother.

A great saint made a comment about a well-known spiritual figure:

“He is a young avatar… Stay away from him”

Liberation is the easy part, but you can start working on the hard part now.

This all relates to:

How to find your passion.

How to find your friends.

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. “

The deeper meaning of the following quote:

“As for myself, I met with as much success as I ever could have wanted. 

In other words, I was enthusiastically run-down by every critic of the period.”

            Claude Monet

“When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.”
“Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How Not to Destroy Relationships

Rare But Essential Knowledge: Mahabharata Revisited

emotional stability:  be it international or interpersonal:  emotional maturity

kindness is the greatest gift

keep your balance, otherwise don’t speak until you gain balance and then speak

holding it in until you explode is not a good strategy!!

speak sweetly, kindly, wisely and you can say almost anything…. communion/communication… 

be constructive…   don’t lose yourself over the little things

the key to healthy relationships: learn to talk with stability while pressured… the rare art of expressing yourself wisely

human beings [all of us] are incredibly vulnerable creatures…

a kiss does not make up for a cut/punch… speak responsibly or say nothing until you can find a better way

healthy communication takes effort….  and when you are tired and want to not effort, alone at home with family, most important to be attentive to the relationships

worst time to speak is when you are angry

get in touch with your ACTUAL motivation.  you are often not angry about what you think you are angry about

anger is just a shroud for hurt

you can say what you need to say IF you can keep your balance

confrontation vs communion… the key is staying stable, in BALANCE

projection vs perception

 taking a deeper look at: ‘faith in god gives life meaning’…  the essence of ‘faith’ is inner knowing.  Know what you know and strive to understand it better.

 World History is an accounting of emotional instability.

Clouds part for each of us on only certain portions of the sky…. e.g. Bobby Fischer

please visit ‘Mystery History’ on YouTube 

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.