Wisdom tiptoes through the minefield of flatlines.
Life is not about “things”; rather it is about healthy relationships with all things
The Only True Knowing…
opening comment: Mt Soma SriSomesvara is now Hiring All positions: Management, Indoor/outdoor Maintenance, Housekeeping, etc. If you are interested, please email marlene@mountsoma.org and leave your contact information
With the remodeling, road repairs, replaced HVAC, etc. the temple is in great need of funds. To donate, please visit:
Happy Easter, Christ Resurrection, What does Supernatural mean?
Jesus and the Veda
Exquisite Structure of Vedic Knowledge:
How to Become Great
Upangas, Samskruthi, Sampradaya
How to remain sane in an insane world…
Samskruthi – Culture
Sampradaya- Tradition.
Karma Mimansa/Chhandas
healthy value systems endangered:
buckaroo bonzai syndrome vs. staying in your lane
diet, exercise, play musical instrument, be good at a sport, social media, internet, make money, liberal/conservative, global warming, covid, nuclear war, sitting, judgements, easy money, sex, short attention spans, looking good, popular, nice body, pretty, smart, clever, street wise, spam mail, electric lives, comparing yourself to others, grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
YouTube, TikTok, social media pressures, wide receiver in half back body
focused yet unbounded awareness vs. narrow minded, oblivious
who are you?
“If it was easy, everyone would be doing it”
“Perseverance, secret of all triumphs.”
”I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.“SOCRATES
“Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.”ROBERT COLLIER
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Chiranjeevi: immortal , the 7 Rishis [sometimes spelled: chiranjivi]
Purusha: He who has no name. become Chiranjeevi
Mind, {separate to worship at a distance] or merge with
Brahman [Chiranjeevi] as experienced by the immortals] … like being the sun
Beyond initial ‘enlightenment’ [cosmic consciousness] it is a matter of clearing sight of what one knows ones Self to be. entering dark cave analogy as eyes adjust.
Katha Upanishad Third Valli verse 10. ‘Beyond the senses are their objects.’ senses, objects, mind, intellect, great self, unmanifest, Purusha
Katz, Vernon. The Upanishads (Tarcher Cornerstone Editions) Penguin Publishing Group.
Yama wanted Nachiketas to ask another question … can only answer it by facilitating awakening to that level of immortality. some say He did not answer the question, but he did in the only way it could really be answered.
‘the entire universe is my expression’ befriend the devata … the laws of nature
yagyas reorganize karma
Purusha size of thumb in center of body… what that really means… not speaking of emotional heart… heart cave
the Upanishads reveal level of unity within everything
It is through the light of God that the eyes see and the ears hear MMY
upanishads reveal the ‘location’ of the Absolute at the basis of all aspects of life
live the Purusha value
Upanishads : Absolute in terms of, approached step by step, from every angle of the relative. Absolute taught in terms of the relative. as if absolute speaking to relative in relatives terms.
Brahman includes experience of both fullnesses together as one fullness
Brahma Sutras gives understanding of experience of Brahman Consciousness
Agni: Aa to Ka is every object in creation, that [all wholenesses] wholeness is Indra [“King of the Gpds”]
what it means to ‘experience everything’
Ananda Mayi Ma said she understands everything {pure knowledge] and also that she is a small child and you have to explain everything to her [memorization of facts, etc.].
need relative to enter Brahman
longing for Brahman brings forth the teacher or teacher brings forth Brahman.. works both ways.
yet karma takes one to the teacher and karma takes one away. so steady hand on the rudder
sound of the versus enlivens the versus within
‘It is my responsibility to protect Mt Soma…our people here… even if they do not see what i am protecting them from. Rakshasas work through people in this age of Kali Yuga. Easy to see the Divinity within individuals. Not always easy to concurrently not overlook the Rakshasa within them. My life struggle perhaps has been my lack of willingness to believe that if I show my care for them, they will not allow the Rakshasa to gain control and act out. Big mistake but one I have learned I must face wide eyed … not always so easy to do’… love
Katha Upanishad… Immortality
two levels/meanings [and more] of attaining Brahman [Brahma Chaithanya and immortality, Chiranjeevi]…see last 2 verses of Katha Upanishad
Like all things Upanishads and Brahma Sutras can be viewed/interpreted on many levels [knowledge is structured in consciousness]
‘Entire universe is my expression of life’
Living/realizing ‘He who has no name” is you… and God is beyond, i.e. unknowable
the world is as we are.. it is your mirror
Scientific American current issue essentially says [as we have been saying] that big bang theory is not correct. James Webb telescope confirms that.
“Wisdom is what’s left after we’ve run out of personal opinions.”
CULLEN HIGHTOWER Interesting quote follows. Do we focus on others Divinity, or the limitations through which they function?:
“I like people too much or not at all.”
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Everything from Gravity to: Energy, Cognition, Chakras, etc.
Hunter Biden, UFOs, Covid vaccine, Border, drugs, Transexual particularly school and beer blunder, running Biden for another term?
JPMorgan Chase is shutting down accounts for companies owned by prominent COVID-19 vaccine critic Dr. Joseph Mercola.
as the director of mt soma, i sometimes feel like a ram rod… just to get things done.
new kitchen staff … Varsha..spiritual, great Gujarat Indian cook
Naming: Used and Misused: e.g. “Energy”, Bigot, etc.
The Eternal Cycle: Treasured, Familiar, Forgotten
The Yugas
Learning how to ‘feel’: why people love their pets
when words distract
It is the ‘energy’ [what you are doing with your energy] more than who you are or your actions.:
chakras… psychophysiological centers
subconsciousmind = chit
Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous quote is as accurate and meaningful today as it was back in the 1800’s. Many of us know it in it’s more generalized form: actions speak louder than words.
only 1000 Vedic pandits
the real endangered ‘species’
nobody would believe cell phone, computer, airplane etc would work until somebody built it. let’s finish building the enlightened city
my responsibility: steady hand on the rudder, precise science.
yin/yang, agni/soma, male/female, sunny/shady sides of mountain, bell curves of men and women
“Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.”
“Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.”
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” – Bruce Lee
“Don’t fight forces, use them.” – Buckminster Fuller
To listen to the audio version, please click here.
Life’s deepest meaning palpable, lively and exquisite at our Mount Soma home.
Hanuman Jayanthi and Kumbabishekam
How fitting that today, May 14 is both Hanumans birthday and Mothers day followed by Mount Soma Kumbabishekam May 15-17. Though physics is King of the universe, the personified value, the heart, is His Queen who gives life its meaning. Like all things, even the wind is a complex mechanic of physics. Yet be it a turbulent storm or a gentle breeze upon ones face, the winds deepest meaning is how its movement touches our hearts. That is the Queen of the universe, the personified value… that is what gives it all meaning, just as when we think of another person, it is not the physics of their presence that gives them meaning but rather the personified feeling of their soul. When we think of another, that is what we think of. The Mother, is the heartfelt soul of the universe and all within it. Vedic Knowledge encompasses Knowledge of both the King and His Queen who gives Him meaning.
These past days in preparation for this weeks events has been a busy busy whirlwind for us all here at Mount Soma. As I moved from station to station, touching base with our numerous teams, what was even more lively than the turbulent winds of our hustle and bustle was the heart that carried us: Devotion, the Hanuman value so full. The Root of Devotion is Love carried by the winds of existence, Vayu. Hanuman, pure devotion, the son of the wind, the Kshethra palaka (official guardian) of Mount Soma, caring us all, is so palpable these days at Mount Soma.
Jai Hanumanji!
Sri Shivaya Namaha
Sri Matre Namaha
Happy Mothers Day!
Current Events and Reflections:
Inner and Outer Spheres of Influence
“Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears.”
I would say of all the liars in the world, the worst are our programmings, particularly the ones we wrongly believe we no longer serve.
“People think what they think and do what they do and there is nothing you can do about it.” Sally Jessy Rafael
so many love spirituality and think they totally believe in it, but when the rubber meets the road, they revert back to old programming. So who or what is really their “God”?
“I am out of here” when things get tough is a common path of the habitual failure.
We favor what is familiar over what is better.
it is a well known fact that the lives of many collapse after winning the lotto. spheres of influence
understand how your own head works.. not so easy to do..
“Love begins by taking care of the closest ones – the ones at home.”
Addiction to drugs, and screen time
Dopamine highs from too much screen time
How physics went astray. Einstein loved Vedic literature and based ideas upon that not realizing that much was in the Absolute, not the relative.
“You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.”
“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”
To listen to the audio version, please click here.
The global mind, The frame, Patanjali, karma, perception, and prana
Life is all about the frame it’s all in how do you frame it?
Every interaction is a long-term goal every thought
we do not really perceive. we project onto
Existence too is all about framing… vastu, set theory, field theory… how the universe was created and sustained… all done with mirrors…
What is a set theory? What is a field?: the field you project is the reality you create for yourself… every experience then confirms for you what you believe to be true… the color glasses you are wearing. Set theory. Filed Theory
’You gift is also your challenge’ Like many people, my gift is that I see the good, the divinity, in others. My challenge then is that I overlook their shortcomings until they come back to bite me.
free will or predetermination?
karma + prana = The Mind
How to heal the planet… the Ancient Secret revealed.
My favorite Willie Nelson song:
Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground w/ lyrics
[ you can watch on YouTube]
“Circumstances don’t make the man, they only reveal him to himself.”
“Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly.”
Blurring or conflating Vedic studies with religion, is a big mistake The Veda is the vessel that holds all fields of knowledge all of life all of existence
diversity of thought, communication/communion vs polarization..judgement vs understanding… friendship
1/3 of 18-25 year olds believe in higher power. my question: higher than what? what do they mean by a ‘higher power’. I believe it is not what I mean by higher power. I too do not believe in what they mean by it.
“The more you tell the truth the more powerful you become”…..Tucker Carlson
Carlson’s post firing video: over 60 million views in less that 24 hours
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"Take the time to reflect on what is said here. If you find yourself associating this material with things you have heard elsewhere, please take the time to diligently explore how they are different. This knowledge is elusive. I share it here because I have seen how much this knowledge helps people – the potential is enormous." – Michael Mamas
"True knowledge slips through the fingers of those not willing to ponder…" – Michael Mamas
"Take what I say and work with it to develop a deeper understanding of life, rather than taking what I say and forcing it into the mold of your current relationship with life." – Michael Mamas
"Evolution means change." – Michael Mamas
"Your disposition is the tone with which you hold yourself, your cells, your psyche, your beliefs. More than anything else, it determines your life." – Michael Mamas