Heisenberg, the shape of the bell curve, probability, and group consciousness
the Absolute [the Transcendent] is Pure Consciousness
the dirty fish bowl
guardian angels and the Divine Hierarchy personification of which? divine grace or karmic wave?
Good luck, bad luck, grace and destiny
Mt Soma: freeing the bell curve
riding the waves of karma or “divine intervention”. explaining the difference
yin/yang and equanimity;
anatomy of ‘do nothing accomplish everything’ what that really means,, all is subjected to interpretation
the wonder of infinite correlation
Just go outside any elementary school and feel the vibe. it is around every elementary school i have ever seen. those are guardian angels you are feeling… if you refuse to feel that, i can not help you understand it.
atma, projection, existence
politics and the veda
yin creates yang
what is equanimity? the deeper meaning… go for that!
clean the house and the negativity goes away
the vast majority of humanity is good
just a dash of gossip, negativity, worst wheel on wagon. just the dust that gets stirred while the wagon is rushing by
people are how they are….. can’t just tell a weak muscle to be strong
opportunity knocks but only the wise know when to open the door
all of life is a risk
passion, equanimity and truth
Emanuel Lasker essentially said he spent the last half of his life trying to forget what he learned the first half
chapter 7 Bhagavad Gita
“God does not play dice with the universe”
A. Einstein
“He who is brave is free.”
“Worst wheel on the wagon makes the most noise.” ____
“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ALVIN TOFFLER
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Dharana of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras… effortless focus…
Pashya… ‘see’, but what/who really sees?
is there really such a thing a subtle sight?
tired minds: lackadaisical minds give lackadaisical results
There’s always a ‘new kid in town’, drugs and torn open ‘third eyes’
Depths of the human psyche… Bats, Flying Monkeys, and the Wizard of Oz
Somebody should write the book ‘How to manipulate mass mentality’… a plethora of modern and historical references to choose from… covers spectrum from world history to local and interpersonal history
Essential emotional stability
“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.”
R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER“There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human, are created, strengthened and maintained.”WINSTON CHURCHILL
To listen to the audio version, please click here.
Blurb: A Holiday Message for all People, all Creeds: Love, Family, Enchantment, and Christmas
What is enchantment.
Why people turn their back to enchantment
world benefits from knowing history of christianity… parallels all religions.
The essential question: What Christ really knew?
“God loves us so much that he gave His only begotten son”: what that really means
Is ‘faith’ a good thing?
What is a Christian?
On Love, Family, Enchantment, and Christmas
Gnostics and orthodox
Would UFOs or no miracles compromise religion.
rejection of religion is really a crying out for a deeper understanding one that makes sense and one that satisfies the heart and the mind.
Rejection of the Gnostics, so long ago, resulted in abandonment of an essential part of Christianity
Celebrate diversity
The gift of kindness
Unity in midst of diversity. vs polarization via homogenization of perspective
harmony does not mean homogenization.. it mean cultural integrity and distinction in midst of honoring other peoples.
acknowledging distinctions of different subcultures without stirring it into one big culture.
“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”
stats contradict somewhat but USA is 70% christian though 45% say it should not be predominantly consider any one religion. India is 80% hindu. in USA, hindus and buddhists make up close to same percentage as jewish,
religion is not just spiritual.. it is also cultural… and like culturing a fine wine, it must not be mixed and remixed at will to form can exquisite product. USA is cultured as christian.
Debated history of Christianity: In one way it matter tremendously. In a deeper sense, it does not matter at all.
What happened or what people believe or do not believe about him? well what really matters is the beautiful enchantment it enlivens in the hearts of those that allow it to, regardless of creeds.
Never underestimate the potential of enchantment, of love. Once embraced, enchantment heals all levels of life.
What is enchantment.
Why people turn their back to enchantment
world benefits from knowing history of christianity… parallels all religions.
The essential question: What Christ really knew?
“God loves us so much that he gave His only begotten son”: what that really means
Is ‘faith’ a good thing?
What is a Christian?
On Love, Family, Enchantment, and Christmas
Gnostics and orthodox
Would UFOs or no miracles compromise religion.
rejection of religion is really a crying out for a deeper understanding one that makes sense and one that satisfies the heart and the mind.
Rejection of the Gnostics, so long ago, resulted in abandonment of an essential part of Christianity
Celebrate diversity
The gift of kindness
Unity in midst of diversity. vs polarization via homogenization of perspective
harmony does not mean homogenization.. it mean cultural integrity and distinction in midst of honoring other peoples.
acknowledging distinctions of different subcultures without stirring it into one big culture.
“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”
stats contradict somewhat but USA is 70% christian though 45% say it should not be predominantly consider any one religion. India is 80% hindu. in USA, hindus and buddhists make up close to same percentage as jewish,
religion is not just spiritual.. it is also cultural… and like culturing a fine wine, it must not be mixed and remixed at will to form can exquisite product. USA is cultured as christian.
Debated history of Christianity: In one way it matter tremendously. In a deeper sense, it does not matter at all.
What happened or what people believe or do not believe about him? well what really matters is the beautiful enchantment it enlivens in the hearts of those that allow it to, regardless of creeds.
Never underestimate the potential of enchantment, of love. Once embraced, enchantment heals all levels of life.
To listen to the audio version, please click here.
These days there seems to be some conflict between spirituality and science. But if there is a union of the two, would that affect prayer? And if so, how? The Ancient Secret is astounding!
To listen to the audio version, please click here.
The Ancients provided much information about the chakras ranging from very deep transcendental knowledge to practical daily applications for healing the physiology and the psyche. Here we explore those practical applications and separate the reality from the distortions and misuse.
To listen to the audio version, please click here.
There is a great deal of misunderstanding around the notion of subtle perception. Here we clear that up and explain how to properly cultivate it. To listen to the audio version, please click here. To watch the video on Twitter, please click here. To watch the video on Facebook, please click here.
"Take the time to reflect on what is said here. If you find yourself associating this material with things you have heard elsewhere, please take the time to diligently explore how they are different. This knowledge is elusive. I share it here because I have seen how much this knowledge helps people – the potential is enormous." – Michael Mamas
"True knowledge slips through the fingers of those not willing to ponder…" – Michael Mamas
"Take what I say and work with it to develop a deeper understanding of life, rather than taking what I say and forcing it into the mold of your current relationship with life." – Michael Mamas
"Evolution means change." – Michael Mamas
"Your disposition is the tone with which you hold yourself, your cells, your psyche, your beliefs. More than anything else, it determines your life." – Michael Mamas