Kali Yuga Principles will stop working. It will be localized, two poles to spin around. What does ‘Almighty God” really mean?
The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer somebody else up.”
—Mark Twain (1835–1910)
not mood making or denial but rather it is physiological: the norm in Sat Yuga,
but negativity in Kali yuga is in a sense ‘not their fault’, it is just the side effect of global dirty fish bowl
faith vs knowledge
is God wrathful?
“negativity in name of righteousness”, hatred, slander, narrow thinking, living out of tune with Nature, etc. those who hold to it, will perish. but understanding the mechanics of that is key
stay away from negative people small minded… it is contagious
when money gets involved, you see what an allegedly spiritual person’s “God” really is.
No Fear: good people are often worried if they are good or not; those people are good.
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when someone is yelling or raising their voice, be they right or wrong in their point, it is a certain sign that they are out of balance.
when in conflict, with this and that points are being made, the underlying main point is buried beneath them. the underlying point is always how the person is feeling toward the other. the points are just rational-i-zations for the feeling. And the feeling may or may not be valid at all. Feelings rule… thoughts are often there just to justify how someone is feeling.
slipping into negative framing:
replace habitual collapsing into framing things in a negative light with habitual framing in positivity. glass half full. count your blessings.
the jyotish these days and for the next month and more is terrible.
Popularity is largely about meeting the people on the level they want to be met upon. Truth, i.e. alignment with ones own true nature, on the other hand is something very different. On rare occasion, they are one and the same.
In the podcast I respond to this email i received: What is the difference between soul and spirit? Regarding meditation, I’ve had spontaneous episodes of “no mind”. Mental chatter was suddenly gone, I could think and function but my head was quiet. This lasted a couple of weeks and tthen slowly everything went back to how it used to be. And has never come back. It feels like it just happened no matter what I was doing, meditating or not. As a matter of fact the first time it happened I wasn’t even meditating yet. So why meditate? I know you’ve addressed this ad nauseum, but could you clarify some more? Do you think the creepy astral entities lie to us?
Addressed in podcast: the various Gods like Zeus, etc. Who are they really? Praying to God to win football game
“Patience and fortitude conquer all things.”
“Beware of overconcern for money, or position, or glory. Someday you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will know how poor you are.”
“All appears to change when we change.”
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.”
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Inside the Guru Purnima Rainbow: the FEELING was amazing. felt like standing inside a giant magnifying glass. much more than just the visual…. like Alice in Wonderland
Mt Soma… a mountain of soma
Truth is stranger than fiction
The World is not as we have been lead to believe.
Ancient and Modern Legends
Practical Approaches:
maca, exercise, cardiologist light sweat, bodybuilding, diet, exercise, organic, exercise u like and let it evolve, yoga props, muscles and motion, finding root of physical tension, soma plant of the west?
“Think as the wise men think, but talk like the simple people do.”
Rudderless in the River? … or is it? Karma’s Time Lag Revisited, Brihaspati & Shani
congregation spaces in the home…. the more the better
muscles & motion
Woody Allen once said that 80 percent of success in life is just showing up.
Dear Michael. This is off topic, but I would love to know what you think of NDE experiencers, and pre-birth memories. I’ve listened to several hundreds of these testimonies, and they have several things in common, what disturbs me most is that many of them remember being forced to reincarnate, and also having their memories wiped. I don’t understand how we are supposed to correct mistakes if we can’t remember why we’re here nor our last life here.
imbalance leading to moments of grossly inappropriate behavior… various causes
sleepy weepy… grumpy
we can spin every situation a million different ways and justify each one as “the truth”, “wisdom”, etc. How you ‘feel’ about
each may be “you” or is it your stress/issues/biases projecting? Discernment is a rare and illusive art. Practice
“Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying” Ralph Waldo Emerson
“I’ve learned that anything in life worth having comes from patience and hard work.”
“There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven’t even started wondering about yet.”
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How i was taught to think about money, compensation, etc.
the trick is to have the boat in the water but not have the water in the boat. Ramana Maharishi
do less, accomplish more MMY
Intuition and gut feeling: just simple innocence. inner continuum, not quantum leaps
Hierarchy, central nervous system, class/race/etc conflicts are national auto immune diseases
People do not feel their power so believe they have no significant influence upon others, so they say harsh things [sometimes the harshest they can think of] to others thinking only then will they be heard. The net effect of such behavior is never in their favor.
planes of life [people live on, resonate with, different levels though we all interact. caste system
lokas…. and Different plans equals different worlds
what is familiar
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.”
emails regarding delicate matters are not wise to send.
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“No one would have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm.”
“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”
“If you don’t like your personality, you better change it now, because after you are enlightened, you won’t care”
Paradox of Liberation
If you spend your life working on self improvement, all you have to show for it at the end of your life is an “improved” self.
Quote of Unknown Origin
paradox of liberation,108 awakenings x infinity, healthy self, personal process, moksha, shastras, relationship with, “undefended” self, behavioral modification
few are willing to face their issues, or even acknowledge their nature, it’s not about getting rid of them. It’s about having a healthy relationship with them.
Denial prolongs the imposition personal issues have upon your life and your behavior yet for most is just too self compromising to acknowledge, let alone embrace them
it takes determination to work with these things. The rewards are huge a healthy relationship with self is called liberation freedom, self actualization it’s not about getting rid of your issues. It’s about bringing the full light of awareness to them and being OK with that.
Greatness is nothing more than a healthy relationship with a sum total of who you are, If you knew the sum total of your life experiences you would know you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Trees are not meant to grow out of the ground like two by fours. It’s the contour, the curves, the hues, the shades, that birth individually, we are all unique.
Current Events:
Trump indictment
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"Take the time to reflect on what is said here. If you find yourself associating this material with things you have heard elsewhere, please take the time to diligently explore how they are different. This knowledge is elusive. I share it here because I have seen how much this knowledge helps people – the potential is enormous." – Michael Mamas
"True knowledge slips through the fingers of those not willing to ponder…" – Michael Mamas
"Take what I say and work with it to develop a deeper understanding of life, rather than taking what I say and forcing it into the mold of your current relationship with life." – Michael Mamas
"Evolution means change." – Michael Mamas
"Your disposition is the tone with which you hold yourself, your cells, your psyche, your beliefs. More than anything else, it determines your life." – Michael Mamas