You do not need to look very far to see that our world is in a time of major change.
Everything from the internet to economic tidal waves to political and social unrest… it is all up in the air, in huge flux. Understandably, most of us are quite uncomfortable with change. People fear what might happen and batten down the hatches to weather the storm.
Many have heard that a new enlightened age is coming and look forward to it with enthusiasm. Yet in that enthusiasm, you may tend to overlook the reality that the transition to something new is a time of change, complete with uncertainly and tumultuous waves of all sizes and kinds.
Though contracting in fear is an understandable response, I would suggest another tact. Enter the storm of change wide eyed. Look forward to where you would like your life to be and do not yield to weakness. Instead move with conviction in the direction you believe in.
That way, when the storm quiets down and the new day dawns, you will land where you want to land. You will be who and what you want to be.
Remember that your present state is nothing other than the sum total of your past. Live your present in a manner that you can be proud of your past. To do that, you must proceed with dedication to your convictions.
A common theatre theme involves a hero as well as the town coward. The town coward is usually depicted as a small, wiry-framed, nasal sort of character with very short vision and selfish motivation. He is always depicted as a most undesirable character.
The hero, on the other hand, is far sighted, dedicated to laudable goals that will benefit all the people, unwavering to the winds of any storm and certainly unfettered by superficial fads of political correctness or petty motivations.
We all naturally fancy ourselves as the hero. In these times of change, it is most important that you live your life in the manner of the hero. By doing so, you will land on your feet and be where you want to be when the tides of change settle on the shore of a new and enlighten day.
My one prayer for you is that you ‘go for it.’
If you do, the rewards will most assuredly be yours. As you sew, so shall ye reap.