“Everythin’s uh blessin’,  e-e-everythin’s uh blessin’.”


I heard the above quote on the local news… an old-timer from the mountains commenting on the wave of frigid weather.


Such lovely philosophical quotes always inspire me.  They make me wonder just how clearly and deeply the understanding of the speaker goes.


There are two and only two forces in the universe…Karma and Prana.  Both come from God.


Prana is a direct link to the infinite coherence of the unified field… God’s Grace…. the Breath of God, if you will.


Karma is the unraveling of the echoes of prana… Karma is born of identity with limited perspectives…limited understanding of (limited integration with) the unbounded nature of prana.  As it unravels, you come to know your own true nature (your divinity, your God) more and more clearly.


Ultimately, both come from God, and both lead you back to God.


In that regard, “Everythin’s uh blessin’.”

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.