Function from feeling, not thought.
You can justify anything with thoughts… with the intellect. Learn to feel deeply.
Yet feeling deeply is often confused with feeling intensely. Deep feelings are refined feelings. They are the gateway to wisdom.
At the foundation of your life is being. It emerges into relativity as the finest of feelings. Then, it blossoms into reason. Finally it emerges at thoughts. As the physiology purifies (as you evolve), this process becomes more integrated, less distorted.
Einstein did not think up the unified field. He felt it. Through reflection, that feeling seemed reasonable. Only then did it emerge as a concrete thought. Genius is nothing more than integration.
Concepts are the finest of thoughts. Facts are more superficial.
Yet many think if they know all about spirituality, then they are wise. Not so. Too superficial.
Wisdom is far more profound than the simple parroting of wise words and pantomiming of alleged ‘sagacious ‘acts.