The following is a brief unedited summary of some highlights:
In previous podcasts, we have said enough [probably more than enough] about the state of the world today. The phase transition is clearly underway. So now we look into the nature of Our global future
1] Underlying harmonious coherent structure to the universe
2] based upon self interactive dynamic of oneness
3] Oneness, pure consciousness the Stuff the universe is-ness is made of
4] Chaitanya, Bhavatitum
5] cognition
6] Right technique wrong yuga confusion
7] western science is a small portion of Vedic knowledge
It is a paradigm… a good paradigm…but not the only paradigm
8] language of nature…Not a cookbook
9] Language of nature is language of the Gods: Mantras, etc.
10] technology of unified field
11] Vishwakarma, Mimuni Mayan, Brahma Maya
12] Mount Soma
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