
Not all ancients were wise, but only wisdom endures times test. It is there.  Pursue it.


This weeks unedited notes:

Not all ancients were wise, but only wisdom endures times test. It is there.  Pursue it

Grassroots deeper meaning is “soul”:  Humanities grassroots are always good.. yet often overwhelmed by a message

humanity must be soma strong, not agni alone.. balance

Kshatriya warrior class, Kings military those who serve the people.  Raja Dharma

Lord Krishna was a Kshatriya

“Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it by use.”


World, economic forum

Klaus Schwab says will act swiftly like a tsunami to transform all aspects of society

Climate reparations, China exempt

40% of the world population in China and India

Both countries burn lots of dirty coal

Claim Climate change caused bad weather,  a “bad weather reparations”

Media assault on the fabric of this country i.e. grassroots

Like in Nazi Germany, it creeped in like a thief in the night until it took over the nation

The problem with modern globalism:

Digital money no cash [biig brather watching ur every move like book 1984

Digital passport, vaccine passport, no privacy whatsoever

G20 a single global Order

G20 claims importance of countering disinformation campaigner [which is the disnformation? Where is free speech?]

Tracking peoples movements, spendings, etc.

Tracking health, status, vaccinations, etc.

Would it be Star Trek like government or 1984

World today too polarized for a Star Trek ‘ideal’

Is academic freedom, dead e.g., Covid climate change

Government now controls, academia, strong argument for states rights across the board.

“Those who control the message control the masses”

Government controls academia by grant funding only research that supports the narrative e.g., Covid, climate change

Government controls, academia etc., strong argument for states rights across the board

Manage the masses vs freeing the individual

“ Politics and crime, they are the same thing” movie godfather 2

The world needs two poles to spin around.  In the Golden Age, their will still be contradicting perspectives.  That is why it is called “the relative”.  Generally speaking, hate is rooted in immaturity.

Peoples sexuality is their own business. It’s a private matter. People have affinities but also aversions to be respected.  Stop pushing ones sexuality on other people.  Peace and love do not mandate homogenization.  Choose the world you live in.  Different worlds can exist in the same one society.  Live, let live, and mind your own business.  Clean the fishbowl of global consciousness and it will all sort itself out.

Faith based / rational-based spirituality

Left and right lobes of the brain must worked together.  When one or other dominates, religion crumbles.

Ukraine solutiion is not about funding or defunding, but it’s rather about negotiation, which at this point would certainly work.

“So the rare individual who unselfishly tries to serve others has an enormous advantage.” 


Yet dogs bark at moving cars

To heal the planet, nourish the soul of the individual.  Water the root and the entire plant thrives.  Look to the depth, not the surface.  Mount Soma is dedicated to the technology.

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