I have been intrigued by a couple responses to the “Cure for Alzheimers and Dementia?” blog I wrote the other day.
Evidently, a couple people looked up Dr. Mercola and were concerned that he has some bad press. That may well be true. I really don’t know but that’s not the point.
It seemed worthwhile to at least pass along what I heard, allowing people to research it further if they chose to. How wonderful it would be if this information actually helps someone. What a shame it would be if I did not mention it when it would have greatly helped someone.
It is fascinating to see how the mind works. Once a perspective on something is triggered, the actual statement ceases to be relevant. The response takes over and seems to irreversibly color perspective. That perspective overshadows even the literal meaning of the printed word.
This would be of very little significance if it were not a general principle regarding how our minds work. In today’s world, we need to look no further than politics for evidence of that. It hits even closer to home when it colors our personal relationships.
Often our inner issues, such as transference and projection, color our perception of the spoken, or even written, word far more than the actual meaning of those words.