This week’s unedited notes:
My conversations with Southern Baptist Ministers
stories of my meetings with Southern Baptist Ministers
The half dozen or so I have spoken with are deep thinkers
most start out skeptical
Jesus the man or Jesus the Christ?
conflicts between religions are not between the various religious deep thinkers
religion: 1/2 spiritual. 1/2 cultural integrity
emotional indulgence vs gnostics
unity in midst of diversity
the role of the mind in religion
intellect is deeper than the mind
transcendent, intellect, reason, mind in that order
why people are rejecting religion
atheists and Christmas: anything can be justified with the intellect and people do
Vogue these days to latch on to a doubting paradigm and declare it as truth…
drug mentality, boxer rebellion,
getting lost in the mind … getting lost in the emotions
the path of discernment
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