How to pronounce the R in the mantra ‘Ram’?
It is not a hard ‘R’ as in gr-r-r-r like the growl of a tiger
It is not like the European rolled R.
It is properly pronounced by forming your lips to make an R sound, but then saying Lam. The sound of the R is between R and L.
If you cannot do this right now, then just say Lam. That is much better than saying Ram with a gr-r-r like R.
Then, keeping the R/L combination sound in mind, in time, it will come to you naturally.
It is important to use this sound while meditating. However, in conversation, for example when referring to Lord Rama, it is fine to speak it with the hard gr-r-r-r R sound. Even Indians often do that. This ‘R’ sound applies to many Sanksrit terms, such a Surya.
REMEMBER: This is Sanskrit, which is cognized, which means the language of nature. By learning to make these sounds, you are aligning your being with your nature… Mother Nature.
NOTE: When learning to meditate, it is best to begin with the Surya Ram Meditation which is taught for free. After a month or two, it is best to then switch to the Surya Ram Meditation with Advanced Technique. We offer a dvd with an instruction booklet for free. You just need to pay shipping and handling.