Essential yet lost knowledge and the consequences.

Also second podcast: Dr Mamas Talks with Mount Soma Guests

Unedited notes from the past week:  

“There is a River”  edgar cayce… song by Bill Gaither

deeper meaning in so many biblical quotes and concepts.  Panditji and I enjoy signs outside local churches.

I.e. awaken to the transcendental essence [heart] of your being which lies far beyond the emotional heart.

What is God and are there multiple gods?  One God, multiple faces/names/aspects

Human condition in a nutshell:

“The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.”

Power of identity  [habit]  just understand how the word ‘identity’ is used here.

what is natural and how do you know? what is natural law

 natural vs.conservative vs. liberal

what is unnatural?

Looking to nature can give insight.

the magnitude of effect of state of global consciousness has is vastly underestimated

In the golden age, the earth will bear its treasures. No idea how grand those treasures are.

Current Events:

most dangerous words in english language: “Hello, we are from the government and we are here to help”  R. R.

World is sadly emotionally based.  Not logically and only loosely teathered to true base, i.e. transcendental essence [“There is a River”]

“Prosecution by leak. “. Kimberly Strassel

slander, rumor, how the world works

“Victory is sweetest when you’ve known defeat.”


student loan debt transfer [it is not cancelation].. buying votes

raid university slush funds?

$2k per working american [appx 157k of them] to pick up student loan tab of $300k

main cause of inflation is government spending…

second is stupid regulations

Texas dinosaur footprints in dried out river bed..  113 million years old, appx. 60 feet tall, 44 tons.

Working title:  when will all the endless blunders stop

“Donald Trumps vaccine”  if that label can be made to stick, the truth of the damage of the vaccine will come out.

Trump was the one that pushed the vaccine through and the Democrats would then blame him

Some say Mar-a-Lago docs implicate Obama and Clinton in Russia fraud

“Trust in God with your whole heart” versus “Know God with the

2035 no gas cars in Cal. fiasco washington following suit

Electric car blunder

As we predicted a backlash against the anti-big bang theory is underway.  Identities die hard even in face of proof.

Cosmic hum emitted for rocks in space, not big bang.  Cosmic microwave background radiation

3 degrees Kelvin  not cooling from big bang

Universe much warmer ages ago

Roman empire all over again… corruption, convolution of motives,

Adding lead to silver coins.  When the currency fall, the empire falls.

amazing how numerology predictions fit what we have been saying

Hang in there 2025

100 years from now will look back at this time with awe and wonder

Egalitarian Vs equity

What does it mean to cast a vote?  Congress Senate essentially ALL dems vote one way and ALL republicans another?!

It’s not a vote; it’s a coercion

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