This realm includes the different levels of the Auric field, the energy field that penetrates and surrounds the human body.  The Auric field determines the structure  and health of the human physical body.


The auric field reflects your personality and ­psychology. This field contains thousands of different energy centers—some small, some rather large. The larger ones are referred to as chakras, the smaller ones, acupuncture points.


One level deeper than the Auric field, the Hara also exists in the Psychoenergetic Realm. The Haric level is a “being level” of standing wave energy, where the energy exists but does not flow. From the ancient Chinese, we understand that the Hara represents an axis, a reference point, the concept of unshakability. By centering themselves in the hara, martial artists can perform tremendous physical feats.


A level still deeper in the Psychoenergetic Realm is the Core Point, a point that represents the unique essence of your being. It is your divine center, the divine spark. It correlates to what is known as the Atman in the deeper transcendental realm.


Like healing on the physical realm, healing on the electromagnetic realm involves fixing something. Perhaps some energy lines are broken and need to be reconnected. Psychodynamically, perhaps your beliefs about the world are hampering your life and need to be brought into balance.


The Psychoenergetic Realm is the groundwork for the physical realm. Healing in Psychoenergetic Realm is, therefore, essential in order for healing on the physical to hold. This is the level where hands-on healing generally focuses.

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