If there is one message to convey over and above all others, it is to find solidity, stability, fullness, and comfort not in things, but in your own inner being.


It is fine to enjoy the support of loved ones and material possessions, but not to look to those things at the expense of your soul.


Become established in the self.  It is an abstraction, not a concrete thing to cling to, a situation to attain, or a self image to uphold.


It can not be touched or held, but its influence is felt as it radiates from the transcendent through the depth of your being to all levels of your life.


The feeling of those radiations is called the soul.  Rest into your soul.  Find solace there above all else.  It is your communion with the Divine.


Through that, you live in harmony with all life and existence.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.