my notes:

The Ancient Secret:  What really matters. “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.”  Winston Churchill  


Group Consciousness: We get what we deserve.  They crucified Jesus. 

Science, Religion, Politics, Morality, etc.: we get what we deserve… i.e. what the group consciousness dictates

Regardless of form of Government,Group Consciousness Rules


Are “The people” smart? Yes and No, here is why.

Philosopher King

“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” ― Ronald Reagan 

The notion of an enlightened king.  Platos Philosopher King.

Does the form of government matter?

Lowest common denominator: religion, politics, music, etc.

When questioned he asked, “Can you keep a secret?”  When assured they could he responded, “So can I.”

“we the people…” lowest common denominator

what is the best form of government?

Vedic Technology restored! ,,  All things, religions included, get lost to emotion, irrationality, and superstition but will be regained through vedic tech.  like watering the root, there its no other way.

Vedic Tech is simply alignment with nature/natural law.

“Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.”


dare to be great

“Delicate Invincibility” a state of physiology… fine tuned stradivarius violin

Are people smart?

Chinese educational system teaches self discipline integrity and respect for elders: American woman who spoke highly of this slammed by media.  War are waged by blanket degrading of a people.  When will we ever learn.  People everywhere are good,  but easily manipulated by tyrants.

Luc Montagnier – discoverer  of  HIV virus [AIDS] says  mass  vaccinations  spread  Covid  and  said  that  is  also  what  caused  all  the  variants. BUT much on internet denies this.  Easy to condemn any truth to the trough of contradiction.

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