You are not your body. You are not your thoughts. You are not your emotions. Having said that once in a lecture, a woman raised her hand and bewilderedly asked, “Well, what else is there.”
Shocked and saddened, I answered, “What lies beyond the body, thoughts, and emotions is the grandeur of your being… limitless, unbounded, and eternal.”
To intellectually know that is a good beginning. To awaken to it is marvelous. Do not mistake the beginning for the goal.
Reflecting upon this, I once asked a student with whom I was having lunch in a restaurant, “Tell me something. When you look at this salt shaker, do you not see it is God?”
He responded by saying, “I have heard your lectures and know you say it is God. I believe you and try to see that. But honestly, when I look at it, all I see is a salt shaker.”
I strive to understand what life like that is like. That makes me a better teacher. However, it would be better if you worked to see what I see.
The best of what you are goes unnoticed by you. Relativity is lightly etched on the face of being, yet it is what this world is made of. It is truly the world of wanting. Relativity, duality, is the world of separation… the world of wanting.
Strive to cultivate awareness so you can be in it, but not lost to it. That is not an attitude or philosophy. It is a state of consciousness.
Knowledge, as it is said, is structured in consciousness. Facts only point in a direction. They are all too often confused with Truth.