“The plan is nothing. Planning is everything.”
I’m not sure on the source but I like this quote.
Planning is alive. Planning is fluid and dynamic.
The plan does not know what changed – what happened next. Think of tacking a sailboat. The plan is how the sail and rudder were set. Planning keeps your eye on what is now and next.
When people work with me, they sometimes have a hard time with the rapid pace of change that I set.
I believe this explains my approach to life nicely.
Reading this, I feel the constant changing of my life these days. Just about everyday feels different and often makes me feel like I’m always in a state of not knowing. The only thing I can figure out is following the steps you outlined in the be-merge-know-do video. I’m wondering if I’m confusing the plan with the planning.
This brings up my own efforts to keep things open and fluid in relationships and especially those at work…where I am challenged by what seems to be an effort to pin me down or disrupt the flow of the” process”. I am perceived, or boxed rather, as elusive, evasive, deflective, indecisive or dishonest even…sigh. And yet, my greatest discomfort and frustration is not that “they” try to impose limits on a dynamic process, that always promises something creative and inspiring, but they also stop the communion with me… Somehow, I carry on… 🙁