2011 was The Year of Change.
2012 was the Year of Positivity.
2013 was the Year of Realization.
2014 is the Year of Manifestation. A couple days ago, that came to me ‘from out of the blue’. It seemed a pretty bold declaration, but somehow I knew it was right. Just yesterday, I came to realize why that is so.
Regarding New Years Resolutions, my favorite fitness coach offered the following:
“It’s NOT about quick fixes. It’s about the LIFE-long journey.”
Wishing you all a happy, fulfilling, and evolutionary LIFE-long journey through higher and higher levels of enlightenment.
Happy New Year!
Love “the year of” blogs.
Happy New Year everyone!
Deep Dive, Deep Dive, Deep Dive!
Jail Shiva Shankara and Jai Guru Dev.
Excellent! This needs to be a year of manifestation for me. This is the year I build the foundation so I can successfully move to Mount Soma in 2015. I love it!
happy new year!!
Thank you Brahmarshi. It is a powerful thought to start the new year with.
Happy New Year!
Thanks Brahmarshi. Happy New Year to you as well.
HAPPY NEW YEAR My first mission..manifest plane tickets to Mt. Soma! Thank you Brahmarshi…life is more and more facinating with you.
Happy New Year y’all! On a Facebook posting, someone asked what your theme or power word for 2014 would be. Mine was “Believe!” Some say seeing is believing; I would counter that believing is manifestation. Works for me, it’s already been a really fascinating time since I returned from the ashram this summer. What do you want to manifest? For me, it’s living in one floor of a cottage at Mount Soma and having an abundant supply of Ayurvedic postpartum work during the day on my personal program at the ashram.
There was a very sweet and wondrous feeling in the temple yesterday waiting for the New Year’s Ganesh puja to begin. The new customized temple rugs, the deities in their bright garlands and clothes, more and more families arriving, kids trying to sit still… I felt excitement and wonder at what this new year will bring, and the honor of getting to watch it unfold, with my two small hands in on the process. Deep Dive is gearing up to be quite powerful. What a way to start the new year! Ever so grateful…