German media executive, Dopfner, says that the oligopolic power of the tech and social media elite is unconstrained and unchecked. He says that business leaders around the world are so intimidated by Google’s political and economic power that they fear to confront Google and that Google is currently an unstoppable force in the world. The economic, political and social media giants are so powerful that they are viewed as a new sort of virtual ‘nation’ overtaking the world. Their influence over how and what people throughout the world think is remarkable.
Clearly such a powerful force could be used for good or otherwise. The issue is that the ones controlling those companies are the ones that determine what is good and what is not. How all of this unfolds is, of course, yet to be seen. But certainly the world is changing rapidly. Global communication has reached levels never before imagined.
What lies at the depth of every individual is Divinity. Everyone in their essence is One with all that is… infinitely harmonious, life supporting, and coherent. It is our task to free humanity from the stresses and strains that prevent individuals from living that fullness of life. As that emerges, the family of humanity will benefit from greater levels of communication. Until that emerges the effects of such power is in question.
The Age of Enlightenment is emerging. It is ours to bring it forth as quickly as possible.
It makes sense to me that the media (Google, YouTube, TV, etc.) would currently be very influential in affecting our perceptions of things. What I find both intriguing and concerning is that with the current sophistication of Google, online news, YouTube, etc., whatever one’s interests/habit/addiction is what is brought to the user, excluding other areas of thought/interest/exploration. This reinforces everyone’s karmic bubble.
I feel urgent about moving forward (individually and as a group) full speed ahead to fulfill Brahmarshi’s vision so that our consciousness and the world’s consciousness can start shifting enough to bring coherence and harmony to the planet.
Interesting blog Brahmarshi! I was recently reading a novel called American Gods by Neil Gaiman, wherein Media was a modern American God. Certainly there is great power and also the light that comes through these portals-video screens speaks to the increased power of solar and radiation energies that travel oh so fast. I am delighted that we can make use of this form to light up the world via your blogs and the ashram websites. How is it that we can no longer share the individual blogs by a Share click? While I am by no means technologically savvy, ease goes a long way in helping people find us.
Barbara, what a great insight on reinforcement of the conditioning by selection of what people link to. My mom has fear based news on almost all day long. I am living without a TV at the moment, but do watch movies and have spiritual cinema discussions about them in groups. Speaking if which, whatever happened to the movie version of The Golden Frog?
This is HUGE! The pace of this kind of change is so incredibly fast. It’s very hard to see all the ramifications until they are in place and having their effects. There may be just enough coherence with divinity to move it forward in a positive way but, it seems mighty tenuous to me.
Seems to me…one effect and potential outcome is a hyper-acceleration of their evolution. They are getting hyper exposed to every possible human facet, identity, that humanity has created over past millions of years.
The result must be a huge comprehensive exposure to the wide range of facets and identities in a super concentrated short time frame…
This would otherwise have taken hundreds or thousands of lifetimes…wouldn’t it ?
When these engines finish their cycle, reach a fruition, they must surely leave humanity wondering…hmm, what’s left …? Where do we go from here …?
Where is the next undiscovered country …? 😉