My brother-in-law, Simeon, and his wife Shannon, had their wedding ceremony yesterday at Mount Soma. It was beautiful. Of course, many family members and friends attended.
The manner in which the attendees received the Vedic tradition was quite impressive. Their openness, to something that was so clearly foreign to what they have known, was most respectable. That, in and of itself, said a great deal about the good fortune of Simeon and Shannon… to have such noble support and love from family and friends.
Needless to say, my desire was intense to get up and explain the significance of the proceedings in terms of Vedic knowledge, which is not only a great art but also a highly technical science. However, I managed to control myself and allow the festivities to proceed in a joyous and light-hearted manner.
Admittedly, I did corner my nephew, whom I am proud to say will be attending Clemson next year to pursue a degree in engineering. I gave him a short course in the Veda and am thankful to him for listening.
The day was a great deal of fun for everyone!
Congratulations Simeon and Shannon! A wonderful place to start your life together, with all the support the Community brings.
Jai Siva Sankara
Wow, that is so beautiful. It is wonderful when two great people find each other. Seeing this makes me realize, how lucky the people are that live at Mt Soma. I really can’t put it into words, except beautiful!
Congratulations Shannon and Simeon! Thank you for sharing this wonderful picture for all of us that were unable to attend.
Blessings to you Guru Dev
Beautiful! Congratulations to Simeon and Shannon. I’m very happy for them. I hope they share many great blessings together.
I too wish the two of you great happiness and blessings.I do feel sadness for all that I miss at Mount Soma because of the boundaries of distance boundaries for sending love!
What an wonderful start to your marriage! Congratulations, Shannon & Simeon!
Wish I could have been there…
It truly was a wonderful day… perfect really!
The love and support we felt throughout the ceremony was overwhelming.
We will treasure the memory of our wedding day – always.
Our deepest gratitude to Brahmarshi, Pundit Prasad, Sri Somesvara, the Knowledge, the Ashram…
and all the rest that is Mount Soma.
Our hearts are full!
I am not sure what happened, my wishes disappeared…so sending love again…Congratulations Shannon and SImeon! DL
Congratulations Shannon and Simeon!