“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” – Plato
Humans are such vulnerable creatures, particularly with respect to their inner feelings. The truth is that people are afraid of many of their feelings. They are even more afraid of expressing them. Instead, they suppress their feelings. They deny them, not only to others, but also to themselves. They are ashamed of their feelings. They are afraid what they might do or who they might become if they allowed themselves to feel their feelings.
Know that you can responsibly manage your feelings. Know that you do not become less of an adult by feeling them. In fact, you become more of an adult. Artistry in life is about feeling your feelings and dealing with them wisely. Bring your feelings into the light. Doing so requires a great deal of self honesty, which can at times require a great deal of courage, yet it is the light of awareness that heals and evolves you. It is not about impulsively acting out. It is about knowing, with the full light of awareness, what dwells within you and holding those things responsibly. As you do so, the psyche and physiology purify and you begin to live more and more in harmony with Mother Nature, your own true Divine nature.
Few people really understand that their true nature is Divine. They fear that it is not Divine. They feel they must not bring to light all that is within them. They feel that to do so is to release a beast. It is the suppression, the hiding away of what is within you, that causes the distortions and convolutions. As you work with the feelings within, you become more and more skilled at dealing with them all. You also become more free. It is about creating a healthy relationship with what dwells within. Suppression and denial is not healthy. This certainly does not mean that you act out whatever it is you are feeling. Those feelings are not necessarily your Truth. They are often just your personal issues. But to heal them, you must feel them. Then you learn how to deal with them responsibly and maturely. In time, you gain the ability to share the depth of your being with others. That is the greatest gift you can give to another and to the world. That is your own personal genius.
The art of living is being able to find a way to “put your cards face up on the table”. In other words, to share yourself with the world… to bring what dwells deep within you to the light of day. That is not done with reckless abandon. It is done with thoughtful insight and respect for yourself and others. It is about having a healthy relationship with your self, other people, society, and the world. It is the process of becoming no longer afraid of the light.
I love this blog. Very beautiful knowledge and very beautifully said.
Love this blog.. Thank you.
What perfect timing! After an incident at work the other day, I realized I was suppressing feelings, not giving myself enough time and space to really feel within. This blog is so perfect!
Wonderful blog! Thank you Brahmarshi
I (again) remember my first class in San Diego. I had so many thoughts and feelings during that class. There were interesting thoughts of insecurities mixed in with the excitement of being there. I was not even sure I would be accepted as your student. Again..I look back..smile..and keep going.
I feel great today..I wish this for everybody!
What do you mean with sharing your depth with others?
Your feelings or your true depth?
Great blog, perfect timing.
Feelings can be superficial or deep. Note that superficial feelings can be very intense. They can feel like they penetrate right to your core. In contrast, an evolved physiology is a refined physiology, in which case the finest feeling level is accessible. The finest feeling level comes from the depth of your being. The Transcendental level is deeper but is beyond relatively. By ‘sharing the depth of your being’ I mean acting in harmony with the finest feeling level. This is sometimes misunderstood to mean acting serene and peaceful. It may look like that, but not necessarily. When the surface is in harmony with the depth, the full range of human emotions is still accessible. The difference between living from your depth or from the surface is a physiological thing. The degree of integration between the surface and the depth is physiological. It is not an attitude, mood, or behavioral modification.
Like this word “physiological”
Thank you very much for the explanation.
But “put your cards face up on the table” is being open and honest about your deepest feelings ‘as far as your feelings go’ i don’t know if i can do that.
I never share to much with people.
So is that a bad thing some people are very much open and i admire their courage.
But i rarely do.
Is it better to do so?
To see the words ‘all cards face up on the table’ must be tempered by the words ‘wisely, responsibly, maturely, respectfully’. When you are speaking from your Truth and not your personal issues, all of that is done spontaneously. The Truth, when well spoken, is always sweet. It is a matter of keeping your balance and having insight. And remember, you can justify anything with the intellect, and people do.
It is easy to take my words and abuse them. To take them and use them is not always so easy.
Spectacular blog; very helpful. I wish it could be published in a psychological journal!
Joy Anna
Ahh thanks now i understand.
Great blog. Thank you!
In the midst of most of my relationships breaking up with people moving on with their lives, I acknowledge I am feeling a deep grief in all this “dissolving”. Maya and a locked rib cage that I feels like I can scarcely breathe. And just a few weeks ago the term “relationship anorexia” came into my awareness. I don’t let people in. I know this stems from my childhood when my relationship with my parents was conditional and emotionally abusive. I was also bullied and often felt the odd person out. Part of the grief is also about holding this notion for so many years. Reflecting and working through it is not fun. I am in great gratitude however for this timely blog. How can the sun be afraid of it’s own light?
Well it looks like we are all about to get a little push to help “to bring what dwells deep within you to the light of day.”
We just had a X1 solar Flare from a “behemoth” sun spot. http://www.spaceweather.com/
Looks like more to come.
And coming up the 23rd we have the solar eclipse. 45% of the sun’s diameter will be covered at 3:38 p.m. PDT
“The Mega Eclipses of October 2014.” This is a channeled piece about the effect of the eclipse. In it Metatron recommends meditating during the eclipse. I was wondering, Does the Veda support this?
About it he says, “the shadow, the darkside is in a temporal free-flow for a peculiar period of frequencial time to bring to the surface repression and frustrations, whether justified or not, to be confronted, viewed and dealt with in the crucible of human experience and manifest reality.”
Sounds intense and that your blog is more than timely as usual. Thank You, John
I asked Panditji about the eclipse this Thursday and this is what he said: The pertinent time of an eclipse is when the eclipse is visible. In Asheville, that is Thursday, October 23, from 5:57pm to 6:43pm. During that time, it is advised not to be outside or travel, eat or drink. The best thing to do during that time is meditate and the second best thing is to chant your mantra, if you have one.
Because of the eclipse, Sri Somesvara Temple will be closed starting at 11 am that day, reopening the following day.
For more information on your location and when the eclipse is visible, please see: http://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/usa/asheville?iso=20141023
This blog is sooooo inspirational. I started a little journal of incidents with my feelings. I think it’ll give me some time to ponder where I was coming from- how much was identity, how much from deeper. Thank you Maharshi for such a wonderful lesson.
Thank you once again for enlivening the tools within me to look deeper live better. Om tat sat. Nancy C
Thank you Barbara for the calculator, 2:45ish to 5:30ish here, obviously not all towns are listed.
Much to ponder here as usual Brahmarshiji…and on my BD.
Thank you. Jai Guru Dev.
This article is great!
When poeple become no longer afraid of the light, is it become spontaneous or nesessary to share themselves with the world? Why? Thank you!
How one who has no fear of the light would ‘share themselves with the world’ is a highly individual choice based upon ones own true nature. An ascetic meditating in a cave radiates the light of life to all and thusly shares himself with the world. Others, according to their nature, may sell soft pretzels on the boardwalk. Some very rare others go out and teach, incarnating again and again to give out the Knowledge. Those rare few are referred to as Bhodisattvas.
Most who ‘live in a cave’ do so not out of their Divine Nature, but out of fear or aversion.
Most who sell soft pretzels do not do so out of their Divine Nature but out of want.
Most of those who teach, do not do so out of their Divine Nature but out of want or ego.
The motivation underlying ones actions is rarely understood by the one performing the action.
Thank you!
For Divine Nature, what is it in the existence of feeling?
How do you say about feeling and emotion?
feeling and awareness?
Thanks a lot!