A Galaxy is a Cosmic Chakra. Chakras are marmas. Acupuncture points are marmas. A marma is a convergence point of energy the acts as an intersection, switch board, and power station for the body.
The universe is a cosmic body. The universe is composed of an infinite number of such marmas on many, many different scales. Black holes are marmas. Even water spinning down a drain is a marma of sorts.
The sun is a marma. Energy converges upon that point. Marmas are the nodes that hold the lattice structure together and give it structure.
Just look at a picture of a galaxy. It looks like what it is. It is a chakra. Everything maps. Everything is interconnected. To heal one thing is to heal everything. Some small shift happens everywhere when a shift occurs anywhere.
When you look at the moon, do you see a sliver in the sky? Or do you see a ball with a light shining on it?
To see ‘what is’ requires one and only one thing: Simple Innocence.
Hilarious example of Occam’s Razor…
yes, it is what it looks like. the simplest solution is the correct one….Occam’s Razor
Occam’s Razor, I’d never heard if it. Went to Wikipedia…I love the notion that one shift creates an infinite number of shifts simultaneously?
Could this infinite interconnectedness explain why I get the feeling that something in the world changed when I feel a shift within myself ? Usually during or just after mediation.
There was a definite feeling to the Carter era. Many people could feel it within themselves. The Reagan era felt very different. This era has a feel all of its own as well. So yes indeed, you can feel changes in the world by feeling into yourself. By starting with major trends you can get a sense of the nature of the feelings within you. From there you can feel in to increasingly subtle shifts. Much of subtle perception is not so much about increased refinement as it is in knowing the nature of what you are feeling. Of course, ones mood and other personal considerations must be factored in and can obscure ones perception.