Last night, a television news program was discussing the rise of atheism. They were unsuccessful in their attempts to determine why it was happening. To me it is very simple: The spiritual understandings of modern day religions make no sense. The rationale is that you must ‘have faith.’ Such ‘faith’ is a rationalization for oblivion.
On the other hand, true spirituality makes perfect sense. However, mainstream religion has compelled the rational to throw out the baby with the bathwater, turning their backs on spirituality and becoming atheists. The leading theologians of our time need to step up to the plate, admit that they do not understand spirituality, and revamp their dark ages throwback perspective.
We can thank the atheists for standing up and saying, “The emperor has no clothes!” May they inspire a much-needed renaissance in spiritual understanding.
I am sending to following to the news program in hopes that they read it on the air:
The reason for the rise in atheism is very simple: Modern day religions make no sense. Being a very spiritual man with a scientific background, this deeply saddens me. The essential teachings of the world’s religions have been twisted beyond recognition. We can at least thank the atheists for standing up and saying, “The emperor has no clothes!”
Bravo! Brahmarshi’s comment is certainly intriguing… maybe enough so that the tv people will follow up on it. 🙂
As I do with many of your Blogs Brahmarshi…I will print this one and have it on hand for the many discouraged friends and clients to read. I have seen the baby/bath water analogy show up in so many arenas of life however none as sad as this one. Maybe it would be great for Bill Mahr to get a copy of this too.. he seems to be getting stonger with his influential status yet not evolving in his attitude towards religion.
Thank you for so much
Thanks for the nice comments. And yes, if anyone could get this to Bill Mahr it would be interesting.
I will send it to him via social media.
The atheists create the religious faithful and the faithful create the atheists. But there is no opposite to who we really are. So it seems that, as we more and more understand the truth of who we all really are, these opposites have to melt away.
In 2010 the British Ministry of Defense released classified documents where in Churchill was reported to have exclaimed to General Dwight Eisenhower when discussing how to deal with a war time report of a UFO encounter. “This event should be immediately classified since it would create mass panic amongst the general population and destroy one’s belief in the church.”
It seems to me it will also seriously challenge Atheist’s beliefs also. And when “the event” happens, which it will, The ministry of religious leaders will be shattered. And atheists will be silent, but secretly thrilled to have meaning in their existence revealed. Thanks for blogging this and all the rest as always. John