I was asked a question in comments to my autoimmune blog to which I responded:
Once a mode of function is established in the physiology, it can be difficult to remove it. After the physiology is ‘healed’ the memory remains. Even when the initial cause is gone, some degree of predisposition to the old habit is still there. Then again, is the initial cause in this sense ever really ‘gone’? The psyche too has its residuals. In this regard it is best not to think in terms of complete and total healing. There is always some level of tendency to return to that which is familiar.
Everything is everywhere. You are one with everything. Everything is there within you. Unity does not mean unity with the things you think are good and elimination of the things you do not. It means unity with everything. So healing is not about the removal of this and that. It is about the physiology having a ‘healthy relationship with…’ this and that. Of course, a healthy relationship with many things is to keep them at a distance, but not to deny the nature of their presence in your world. Life is indeed subtle.
There is a notion that energetic cords get created between people in relationship. If the relationship goes wrong, energy ‘healers’ sometimes think of removing or cutting those cords. That is actually not possible. In this sense, cords eternally exist between all things in existence. We are all one. Better to think in terms of cleaning the cords rather than attempting to eliminate that which is, in reality, eternal. A healthy relationship with people is to keep them each at the appropriate distance (i.e. have healthy boundaries) while at the same time being awake to the level where we are all one. Humanity has a great deal to learn about healthy boundaries, both culturally and socially. The word that comes to mind is “integrity”. This becomes spontaneous as the level of ones evolution rises.
Thank you for connecting the dots for me. There is a lot of information in this blog that is so easy to loose sight of, or completely overlook. This will be a particularly good entry for me to go back to from time to time.
What does a healthy relationship look like with those whom you must run into who have falsely accused and been financially dishonest to you? Do you mention it again? Ask the subtle forces and Gods for justice? Smile and minimize the minutes together? Privately warn your family and close friends? There has been so much of it, it only feels better when I dive deep and see it as superficial facts like the weather.
Thank you. This makes so much sense.
When someone wrongs you, it is natural to react with upset or anger. No fault in that. The trick then is to first come back into balance before you approach them or deal with them. This may well involve some venting. Once balance is attained, a healthy response comes naturally. However, the question can arise as to whether or not you are really in balance. Are you holding a grudge? Are you trying to prove yourself right, or them wrong? Is there still a charge in your decision making process. What was was. What is is. What will be is up to you.
I just wrote a very long comment and then deleted the entire thing..because..I realized I watched( last night) an astonishing example of many of your teachings..including this one.The Hatfields&Mcoys. They were an example on so many levels of just how destructive our perspectives on “what is right” can be.It seems as though the age of ignorance was in full bloom at that time.
This blog was great for me especially in regards to relationship dynamics.Healthy boundaries was something I did not seek to have in the past while today my relationships are healthier with them.. even though they sometimes still portray shades of grey.
Thank you Maharshi
Amazing blog, like all the others. Thank you.
your comment “It seems as though the age of ignorance was in full bloom at that time” struck me. When you look at our legal system and political correctness, I wonder if we are really any better or just really different. Ignorance comes in many self justified forms.
The “cleaning vs cutting the cords” concept is a change that I will have to work on a lot more.
Maybe not better now and for sure different.Great exercise for expanding my perspectives!
It would be a good exercise to attempt to view our culture through the eyes of the Hatfields and McCoys… or representatives from other eras as well.
How would they judge us? No honor? Twisted moral code? Hollow? Crazy?
I believe there is a component of every era, every culture, every society, and even every family and individual that views themselves as the enlightened one/s.
How fantastic a creation that in fact what we sense as our Divinity truly is there within us all… though the form it takes and the words used to express it vary greatly from person to person and from era to era.
There is one God that dwells within us all; yet our relationship with that God takes on infinite forms, designs, and patterns…like a multitude of iron filings assembling in limitless patterns around the one magnet, while each filing points in it’s own unique direction.