I remember as a kid being inspired by a short essay Emerson wrote about circles. Every culture is a circle with a high and low end. Every religion is a circle. Every ethnic group is a circle… even every individual. There is no end to circles. Even the horizon goes around 360 degrees to form a circle.
All too often when generalizing about people, focus is placed upon the low end of the circle, as if that defines the entire individual or group. Implying this is demeaning, damaging and misleading.
Why not focus on the high end of every circle, but not blindly focused. That would be called denial. But lean in the direction of moving every individual, subculture, culture, nation, and all of humanity forward in the direction of the high end of the circle. This is called evolution. Proper discernment is of course, as with all things, essential.
Thank you for this lovely reminder. This is how I aspire to live.
With Love & Respect, Jasmine
I will keep ‘leaning in the direction of the high end of the circle’ in the forefront of my consciousness. What a beautiful and much needed expression you have shared.
Exquisitely beautiful
Much will percolate. Thank you for your teaching this weekend.
Yes, such a good reminder. It’s too easy to focus on shortcomings and bottoms of circles. Thank you for a beautiful and fully packed class. Much to process…
It’s an incredible experience just to be in your presence. Thank you.
How beautifully expressed. Thank you for an exquisite weekend.
Bramarshi, sincere gratitude for welcoming us into your circle to expand ours..