I received a question on the ‘God’s Will’ post and responded to it in comments.  I thought it would be good to post it here as a blog:


Karma is action. The laws of karma are the laws of action… the laws of cause and effect.  If you hit something (action), your hand hurts (reaction).  The laws of karma are part of Gods will… part of His creation.


Grace is also God’s will.  It transcends karma.  It is free.  Living from that level, you are free to act in harmony.  You become like a martial artist or surfer in the sense that you can gracefully ride whatever karmic waves come your way.


Most of your karma dwells within you as your thoughts and feelings.  As you align with Grace, more and more, your thoughts and feelings are in harmony – in Grace.


You then interact with karma gracefully, like a surfer surfing the waves on the ocean.  Karma is still there, but you ride the waves with Grace.  See?


Grace is an attribute of the absolute.  Karma is an attribute of the relative.


In the state of enlightenment, the two are integrated.  Like the tree trunk with the branches, the flow of motion is harmonious, even in the greatest karmic storm.


To perceive harmony on this level requires great wisdom.  All may not be as it appears at first glance.


The big picture often eludes the casual observer.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.