I have been wondering if I should respond to the comments on the ‘A Helping Hand” bog that I wrote the other day. It is all rather delicate. I appreciate the passionate support. At the same time, we do need to be careful not to offend. Donations need to come from an open heart, not a guilty one.
It is true that we desperately need support. It is also true that December 27 is the deadline for the matching funds pledge. I would only invite you to look within yourself to decide upon these matters.
Look deeper than fear and certainly deeper than guilt and please do what you feel is right.
I know Mt. Soma’s need is great, but we should be aware that WE have a “need” to support Mt. Soma as well. The need comes from the simple traditional esoteric knowing that we reap what we sow. What we put out there returns to us, oftentimes multiplied. At it’s best, such a “need” comes from an impulse deep within the depths of individual soul. The amount of the gift isn’t the relevant issue, it’s the quality of the impulse. A humble gift from a pure impulse would create far more for the giver and the recipient than a lavish one that lacked purity.
In many cultures, and certainly the Eastern ones, it is just ingrained that there is no greater karmic good than to donate to building a temple. Mt. Soma has that and so much more. Properly supported, Mt. Soma can flower beautifully, both within the individual, as well as in externalized physical form at Mt. Soma. Even a gift of a few dollars is a gesture to the universe that is not inconsequential. Need to open up abundance in your life? Find the impulse within that needs to move, and let it express itself.
We are quickly coming to the “end” of December 27th, the end of the matching $10K donation opportunity. I wonder if we were able to rise to the challenge.
I do not know exactly what the situation is at Mount Soma that prompted Michael’s words “desperately need support.” However, I do know that our world and all of us as individuals are in desperate need of evolving, and that the growth and development of Mount Soma is the surest way to evolve, to heal, and to love ourselves and our world.
If you have already given to the $10K matching fund, perhaps you could give a little more. If you have not given at all, perhaps now is the time to figure out a way that you could give. We do not need to do this out of fear, or guilt, but we can do this out of love for each other, love for this planet, love for all that is. These are my thoughts and feelings, what are yours?