Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Between facts and concepts, concepts (ideas) are closer to Truth. Truth is unbounded, without edge. Facts melt into the deeper and broader arena of concepts, which melt into the deepest and broadest field of the Absolute… Oneness…Pure Consciousness… Pure Isness…Truth.
As facts rest and dissolve into concepts, and concepts rest and dissolve into Isness, all levels of life become seamlessly interconnected, like the branches of a tree grounded to the trunk and then to the earth. Integration of life emerges. When the connection is weak, the mind becomes small and ungrounded, like tumble weed. A slight breeze then carries the mind adrift. Anything can then be justified by the intellect. That is called a life of karma… of bondage to the surface.
Awaken to the depth, more and more live life from that level, and become great. That is called freedom, emancipation, enlightenment.
Your relationship with anything and everything is determined by your level of consciousness. Tumble weed can and does argue as it will with the mighty oak. Within the world of the weed, it is the tree that is seen to be tumbling while the weed remains steadfast. From the perspective within the speeding train, one looks out and sees the trees flying by, while the train is experienced as the solid, stable reference frame.
Your level of consciousness consumes and defines your entire world.
A lot of times I just really don’t like my pettiness. Sometimes I am grateful I have problems physically voicing my thoughts, or thinking of the “perfect thing” I should have said after the opportunity was there, because they are small self thoughts. I have to keep my mind on the big picture. Jai Guru Dev.
It is difficult to control what is said, though it is good to do your best with it. At the same time, integration of the surface [speech, etc.] with the depth is not a function of the superficial judgement systems with which most people identify. You can use the superficial system as a guide to do your best, but not as a scorecard to measure and punish yourself on an ongoing basis.
Brahmarshi the Catholic guilt complex is a hard one to shed. On another note, I feel so much that I cannot voice/put into words… it is so very frustrating. Maybe it is not supposed to be put into words. Thank you for response. Jai Guru Dev.
Is that a bear cub on the side of that car in the picture? What was going on with him on the side of a stopped car on the interstate?
Nina, it was a dog sitting in the back seat of the car in front of me with his head out feeling the wind in his face. I thought it was funny and wondered why he didn’t have his seatbelt on! Tanja
I would never have guessed. You’re pretty good to be driving on the interstate and taking such a clear picture.
Thanks for telling me.