
Cognition vs Perspective

How to Know Everything

Limits Upon Awareness

“The real war will never get in the books.”


My experience of teaching:  slips through fingers and they don’t realize it. 

Pandits more easily accept where people are at than I can

Positive elicits negative:  I could not believe it unless I experienced it.

Darwin and the Veda


arrogant alignment with current mentality

not so much a group out there choosing to be evil deceivers 

rather they believe in their perspective and push it.  Beyond that then is they only fund research they believe is correct and those who do not conform do not get grants.

how to build and enlightened city

was Anker Wat an enlightened city

why I am told not to reveal much about an enlightened city.  And already, others are taking on the term.

supernatural powers

humility is flip side of wisdom

only thing worse than stupid is stupid that thinks its smart

compromising truth so as not to offend

Mystery History, Barabar. . they are moving in the right direction but lots more to go of course.

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