Crises such as the coronavirus certainly trigger peoples psychological tendencies. Of course, once triggered, it can be quite challenging to determine the best course of action. The challenge is compounded by so many issues—urgency, lack of sufficient research, politics, greed, bias, fear, knee jerk reactions, etc. The podcast “Coronavirus Revisited” investigates this important topic with a lively and provoking discussion. It is easy to be spiritual and wise when everything is wonderful. But who among us can keep their balance and access their inner wisdom when the stakes are high and emotions are triggered? Explore not only the far reaching aspects of the virus but also of your own personal inner psychodynamic process by clicking here.
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The Truth about Religion and Flatlining
More from Michael Mamas
"Take the time to reflect on what is said here. If you find yourself associating this material with things you have heard elsewhere, please take the time to diligently explore how they are different. This knowledge is elusive. I share it here because I have seen how much this knowledge helps people – the potential is enormous."
– Michael Mamas
More about Michael Mamas
"True knowledge slips through the fingers of those not willing to ponder…"
– Michael Mamas
"Take what I say and work with it to develop a deeper understanding of life, rather than taking what I say and forcing it into the mold of your current relationship with life."
– Michael Mamas
"Evolution means change."
– Michael Mamas
"Your disposition is the tone with which you hold yourself, your cells, your psyche, your beliefs. More than anything else, it determines your life."
– Michael Mamas
Just some comments. In referring to your friend’s comment, “people are unable to believe the magnitude of the corruption on all levels” rings so true. I had that realization several years ago; albeit on a much lower level than what is being revealed these days. About twenty years ago you spoke of coming into an age where society would become rather chaotic. At the time, it seemed impossible. Impossible in that it was difficult to imagine what life would be like in twenty years and with our culture being run like a machine….and here we are. Fascinating to hear someone spoke of the man with orange hair around that same time. Who would have ever thought this so called “pandemic” would be the trigger that would begin to wake people up.
Couldn’t help but think of Isaiah 5:8 when you were talking about Manhattan and also some of the other large cities — woe to those that build house upon house.
Thank you for this podcast. I am sure it is not easy to discuss something that could potentially be very controversial and I appreciate your insight because it confirms what I have been feeling. For the most part, I don’t verbalize it because I don’t want to step on toes. Again, thanks.
Also, I saw this on the news today. I saw it as a sign of what is happening to us.
Hi Deb,
Your thoughtful words compel me to reflection upon the past 20 years. I poured my heart out in an attempt to prepare people for what was coming–how to deal with it wisely. And now we find ourselves in the midst of The Great Transition. Yet few are keeping their balance. So now I say again that we will come through these turbulent times into an era of calmer waters, peace, and prosperity. Admittedly as the storm rages, even the best of us find ourselves holding on tightly in hopes of making through these rapids.
Hi Linda,
I will be doing a podcast tomorrow which should post some time next week. I do believe you will like it.
Courage dear woman!
There are so many valid points made here. It was both a pleasure listening and also a welling up of sadness. My takeaways and I am surely distilling this down to a personal level: “my truth” is about my own good story-the memory of how things occurred or the crises that I don’t let go to waste.
I am grateful for the work you have done with us over the years that help us feel through the elements of story that each of us adopt or the alignment with the mass mentality. You give us hope.