I am not a jyotishi, but I have been told the following:

Saturn is aspecting Rohini which is the Moon’s exaltation nakshatra, so emotional times lie ahead through the summer.

Also, the effects of the lunar eclipse which occurred in April will be felt through the summer…. difficult times.

The eclipse happened with Moon in Virgo (an Earth sign) so global calamities, earthquakes, etc. are likely.

For the six months prior to the solar eclipse, things were predicted to be difficult and the rise of ISIS, etc. did occur then.

So we are going through rocky times globally, but things will be better.


On a positive note, jyotishi Sanjay Rath said that May 2, 2015 to May 2, 2016, should be an excellent time for Mount Soma.  In fact, many good things are in the works and will likely come to fruition during that time.


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